BACBI: Essays
Boycotting Israel: neither hypocritical nor anti-Semitic
by Herman DE LEY (June, 2015).
One of the common objections, if not the most common one, voiced against the boycott campaign, is that of "singling out" Israel: i.e. there being many cases of political abuse in the world, why this focus on Israel? Or as it is put rather rhetorically and maliciously by Willy Wolsztajn, of the Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif (in “ BACBI : une campagne indigne, absurde et hypocrite ”, click here, 27 mai 2015): “ Sur la politique palestinienne d’Israël – certes très contestable – on les voit tirer à vue en rafales. Sur les politiques sahraouie de Rabat ou kurde d’Ankara, sans parler des multiples calamités qui accablent la région, règne le silence de leurs pantoufles. Que vaut encore une éthique dès lors qu’elle devient élastique ? ” Israeli politicians as well repeat time and again that the boycott campaign hypocritically singles out Israel for condemnation while ignoring other countries abusing human rights. So, the "sous-entendre" goes, why this selectivity if not because of being inspired by... anti-Semitism?
1. It is true, there are, alas, many cases in the world of violations of international humanitarian law. They must all be condemned, no doubt about it, and be opposed in the appropriate way (cf. our FAQ : "0.2. Under what circumstances should a boycott be used?", click here). However, the fact that a lot of other states infringe on international humanitarian law as well, does not in any way exonerate the Israeli state from its unabated criminal treatment of the Palestinians. En plus, as will become clear, there are good reasons for us Westerners to feel especially affected by the injustices and sufferings inflicted, for more than half a century, upon the indigenous population of Palestine, and for committing ourselves to help putting an end to them. I am pleased, of course, that Willy Wolsztajn considers Israel's Palestinian policy to be "certes très contestable". I'd be much more pleased, though, learning from him - as from a person, I presume, who feels committed to Israel's civil and moral standing - how he plans helping to set things right: what needs to be done, in his view? what action to be taken? considering that during all these years of so-called "peace process" and "road map", of "dialogues" and "exchanges", the situation for the Palestinians only went from bad to worse. E.g. since the Oslo Accords of 1993 the number of illegal colonies in the West Bank has been tripled, bringing the number of colonists on Palestinian soil (the West Bank and East-Jerusalem) to more than 600,000; the Gaza Strip has been murderously devastated already three times, etc. [1]
2. The Israeli State, brutally created in Palestine almost 70 years ago as a self-proclaimed "Jewish and democratic State", is actually built and maintained on the base of an out-dated ethnocratic exceptionalism. To quote the late historian Tony Judt ("Israel: the Alternative", 2003, p. 116): "The very idea of a 'Jewish State' - a state in which Jews and the Jewish religion have exclusive privileges from which non-Jewish citizens are forever excluded - is rooted in another time and place. Israel, in short, is an anachronism".
Nonetheless, Israel enjoyed and enjoys a (very) "special relationship" with the West. It is (and considers itself to be) a part of the West, being a kind of civilized "stronghold in the heart of the Middle Eastern jungle" (columnist Ben Caspit, on Al-Monitor), a "light unto the nations", i.e. amidst a Muslim-Arabic (and Iranian) world that is more than ever chaotic (due mainly, let's be honest, to... the US's disastrous war against Iraq). As Israeli prime minister Netanyahu recently told European Council President Donald Tusk (in their meeting of Sept 8, 2015), Israel is “the Middle East's only true democracy, ...the only vanguard of liberty, the only country where human rights are respected, where there is a free press and where the values that we share with Europe serve as our map and our compass and our way of life,” adding: “We are the guardians of civilisation here in the heart of the Middle East against this new barbarism” (click here). Correspondingly, it is treated as "one of us" by the US but also by Europe: "In the European political class, an embrace of Israel can be found as ardent as any in America, to the point of treating the country as an honorary member of the EU, or indeed calling for it to be admitted outright to the Union" (Perry Anderson).
3. Exceptionalism: Israel, one should say, 'singles out' itself, morally if not religiously. As Tony Judt again put it: "Most Israelis are still trapped in the story of their own uniqueness" ("The road to nowhere", 2002, p. 108). The religious belief, indeed, of being God's "chosen people" and of having "returned" from "exile" after two thousand years to the land "promised by God", lingers on in a secularized form even with non-religious Zionist Israelis, considering the establishment of the Jewish state as a kind of redemptive act of history, if not as a "miracle". Take e.g. Ari Shavit's book: “My Promised Land. Triumph and Tragedy of Israel” (2013). Proclaiming itself to be the "Homeland of the Jews" (of àll the Jews, wherever they live - thus transforming world Jewry into one ethnic nation, complicit in Israel's colonialist policies), Israel prides itself upon being a "beacon of light to all nations" which is defended against its foes by “the most moral army on earth”. In the exalted words, once again, of prime minister Netanyahu: “Israel is the one country in the Middle East that guarantees full civic rights, the one country in the Middle East where everyone is protected under the law equally” (on a press conference with the Orange CEO, June 12, 2015). The reality, alas, is quite a different one: the country that claims to be "the only democracy in the Middle East", guaranteeing "full human rights", has put in place a brutal and violent apartheid system, based on racial discrimination (inside as well as outside the Green Line). But of course it is not the only example of Netanyahu's cynical hypocrisy and mendacity: "(his) speeches and statements over the years are rife with remarks that have ranged from inaccuracies to outright lies" (Ofri Ilany, Haaretz, Oct 29, 2015: click here). See e.g. his gibe directed at the participants of the latest Gaza flotilla, that "there's no blockade of Gaza".
4. It needs to be said, though, history helps us to understand Israel's sense of "specialness". For almost two thousand years European Jews have been persecuted and discriminated. In late Antiquity and the Middle Ages their exclusion was motivated by religious prejudices and aberrations, but from the 19th century on traditional religious anti-Jewishness was complemented with pseudo-scientific racist anti-Semitism. Pogroms not being uncommon before, the egregious extermination of European Jewry by the Nazis and their willing acolytes was the horrific end result of Europe's anti-Jewish fanaticism and hatred. This terrible historical experience of some 80 years ago, claiming a special place for itself in Western memory as well, has been kept alive, understandably, in succeeding Jewish generations. Inside Israel this happens in the first place by means of "mandatory Holocaust studies to all ages, including kindergartens" (Jonathan Cook: click here). In its ideological adaptation, fundamental to the worldview of present-day Zionism, the Holocaust and the founding of a "Jewish State" have been merged, the former legitimatizing the latter. It helps explain why in spite of their vastly superior (nuclear-armed) military power - Israel is nót just a "small state" one should feel sorry for, but it is a regional and global superpower - and in spite of having turned since long from being the oppressed and persecuted into being the oppressors and persecutors, present-day Jewish Israelis are easily kept by their politicians in an irrational sense of still living under siege.[2] Paradoxically, the occupation and repression of the Palestinians is strengthening that feeling of insecurity.
This intimate connection, though, between the Holocaust and Israel's existence is also still very much real for most Jewish people in the rest of the world: Israel, that is, continues being a part of their Jewish identity. See e.g. the recent poll among British Jews: "It found 90% support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, but the poll also found mass discomfort with the policies of the Israeli government" (Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian, Nov 12, 2015: click here).
5. With almost two millennia of European Jewish history, Jewish intellect and artistic accomplishment, Jewish culture and heritage, Europe's losses due to the Judeocide were immense. The more so because the defeat of Nazism did not bring about the real inclusion of Judaism into postwar European society and culture, i.e. in any way comparable with the situation in the US. Instead, after the earlier rise of Zionism as a nationalist political ideology and made possible by Western colonialism in the Middle East (cf. Sykes and Picot), "die jüdische Frage" - as a question about the manner and degree to which Jewish difference was compatible with the ideals of European modernity - was transferred outside of Europe. As Ilan Pappé puts it: “the presence of Jews in Palestine, was and still is, the European solution for its Jewish Question. The Jews were nearly destroyed in Europe during the second world war and instead of openly re-integrating them into Europe, the idea of sending them off to Palestine, with the Zionist blessing, absolved Europe from dealing with what had been done not only to Jews but to other minorities as well”.
6. In the aftermath of World War II, the West developed a special, as it were unconditional relationship with its Jewish colonial "outpost". It extends to all possible fields of interest: culture, economy and finances, politics, research and science, security, etc., but perhaps most of all military cooperation (cf. the US providing Israel every year with billions of dollars in funding and military hardware). Western and Israeli policies and interests being closely interwoven together, our governments might remonstrate for the record at the unabated aggression against the Palestinian people and the expansion of the settlements, while blocking any moves critical of their ally at the UN. Not even the murderous and devastating assaults against the Gaza Strip put an end to Western hypocrisy and duplicity. "Rather, the self-proclaimed leaders of the international community stood idly by while the government of Binyamin Netanyahu established one new settlement after another in the West Bank, and endlessly pontificated about Israel’s right of self-defence as it periodically launched murderous assaults against a Gaza Strip it helped to transform into the world’s largest prison camp" (Mouin Rabbani, "Palestinians ‘more isolated than at any point since 1948’", The Guardian, 11 Oct 2015: click here).Influenced by a sense of guilt as well as by geopolitical considerations, "we" elevated Israel to a state of exception escaping scot-free and unpunished while doing away, right from the beginning, with international law and the human rights of the Palestinians. So nothing was nor is being done to restrain Israeli politicians and generals effectively. Quite to the contrary: they are invited and fêted as guests of honor in Brussels, Berlin, London, Paris, Washington... Meanwhile ethnic cleansing and the colonialist settlement programme in the West Bank and East Jerusalem go ahead unimpeded. The same goes for the inhuman blockade of the Gaza Strip, continuously under siege ("Gaza Is a Horrific Humanitarian Disaster That We Cannot Allow to Continue", Sarah Champion, Huffington Post UK, Sept 24, 2015: click here). Just like the Israelis themselves, we as well are living in a state of "denial" (cf. Engelbert Luitsz, "Ontkenning in Israël", Alexandrina, Nov 11, 2015: click here).
7. Pro-Israel propaganda keeps asserting
"the inherent “specialness” of the Jewish people: special in their history of victimization in Europe, the Jewish people require an ethnocentric militarized state which is beyond criticism and exempt from international law. While playing on the guilt of the West for its passivity and collaboration with the Holocaust of World War II, the questionable assertion of Israeli specialness presents a seemingly-innocent surface while obliterating moral accountability for the covert colonialist greed, entitlement, and ruthless violence of the Israeli government by equating all criticism with anti-Semitism" (Samah Jabr & Elizabeth Berger). [3]
Any robust criticism of its policies is countered and done away with by Israeli hasbara or political propaganda (now being teached at universities as well) and is standardly vituperated by Israel's politicians and fanatical lobbyists abroad as being motivated by nothing less than anti-Semitism. In reality, the persistent obsequiousness of our political leaders towards the Israeli settler-colonial state perverts the West's foreign policies and makes a mockery of the high values we, Westerners, like to preach to the rest of the world. Confirming Israel's state of exception, criminal abuses as apartheid, ethnic cleansing, racist aggression and violence, house demolitions and displacements are condoned in our name as well. For that reason, as prof. Davidson rightly concludes, "it (is) imperative that Israel’s oppressive behavior be singled out as a high priority case from among the many other oppressive regimes that may be candidates for boycott. In other words, unlike the Chinese, the Russians and other such governments, the Israelis and their supporters directly influence the policy makers of our own countries and this often makes our governments accomplices in Israel’s abusive policies. This being so, prioritizing Israel for boycott (academic and otherwise) is not hypocrisy, but rather necessity" (click here).
8. The establishment of Israel, in 1948, by European immigrants gained an exceptionally sentimental dimension in the West, given that it was born on the heels (and as a result) of Europe's persecution and genocide of its own Jewish citizenry. The human price, though, of the West's atonement was paid (and is still being paid) by the indigenous Palestinian society. The Zionists' colonial conquest was realized through acts of terror and ethnic cleansing: hundreds of towns and villages were devastated and, with some 800.000, Palestinians were mercilessly chased and dispossessed of their homes, their lands and their future, the great majority of them being driven into a cruel exile. That way, "an entire country, complete with books, homes, villas, languages, religious traditions, native foods, dance, and customs, (was usurped)" (Susan Abulhawa). What later would be called the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict" was, "in fact, the destruction of an entire people; the erasure of their history; the removal of a distinct, geographic and sociocultural space that has existed since early antiquity" (id.). In the occupied territories, since, "Israel has developed and refined policies to disperse, imprison and impoverish the Palestinian people in a relentless effort to destroy them as a nation" (Jonathan Cook, in "Disappearing Palestine"). Notwithstanding this ongoing "sociocide" (click here), the occupation being in fact one continuous terror attack, the Palestinian people still survives, be it in miserable and desperate circumstances: in the blockaded and besieged Gaza Strip, the fragmented and ghettoized West Bank (East Jerusalem included), inside Israel as discriminated, second-class citizens, and, the majority of them, in hapless refugees camps. "They are a besieged, controlled, oppressed, exiled and imprisoned people with no real defences against a racist state that has been explicit in its outrage and contempt for (their) existence" (Abulhawa). Their resistance and resilience, though, are on a par with those of other colonized peoples in the past; the political conditions they are up to, however, are much worse. Likewise the international solidarity and boycott movement, today, is heir to the old third world movement campaigning against imperialism, racism and colonialism, Palestine being "the last colony".
9. "The hapless refugees camps", indeed, today more than ever: "These days, millions of Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi and Libyan refugees risk their lives in search of safety. The U.S. invasion of Iraq, the assault on Libya and the intervention in Syria created this enormous humanitarian crisis. [...] Meanwhile, Israel, the recipient of more than $3 billion of U.S. aid per year, is the only country bordering Syria that has not admitted people escaping the catastrophic violence. Its present government will not allow a single one of the Palestinians who were exiled to Syria six decades ago to return to their homes, just a few hours away. Instead, Palestinians fleeing Syria are made refugees again, facing treacherous journeys, unknown destinations and uncertain futures. Five years ago, over 600,000 Palestinians lived in Syria. Today most of them have fled (more than 3,000 having been killed). Those remaining are displaced from their refugee camps. Hundreds of thousands of Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian families are struggling to survive" (quoted from MECA - Middle East Children's Alliance, Newsletter, Sept 11, 2015: click here). During a highly publicized visit, September 6, 2015, to the Jordanian border — designed to announce the construction of a fence there as well — prime minister Netanyahu stressed that despite the fact that Israel is surrounding itself with walls, “this is not to say that we do not empathize with the human tragedy around us” (Al-Monitor, 8 Sept 2015). Just how hypocritical can one be?
10. To return, one more time, to the common question: "why not boycott China?", or "What about North Korea?", etc., this kind of "hasbara" sophistry - i.e. "why 'singling out' Israel?"[4] - could be said to be "a kind of unconscious admission of guilt. If Israel is as pure as the driven snow, why should it be mentioned in the same breath as emblems of human rights violations? If Israel is completely blameless, why does it need special treatment or a better spot in the group of problem countries? The answer is that most Israelis — even if they fear territorial concessions for security reasons and don’t believe that a peace deal with the Arabs is sustainable — know that Israel is committing an injustice against civilians and denying them their freedom. They know that in the frequent rounds of violence, Israel kills thousands of innocent people as well as terrorists. They know that in a certain place under Israeli rule there is one legal regime for one nation (Israeli law for settlers) and a different one for another nation (military law for Palestinians)”.So the Israeli publicist, Ravit HECHT, in: "Israel’s problem isn’t BDS – it’s the occupation” (Haaretz, June 3, 2015, click here).
11. To conclude: (a) Conscious as we are of the West's historical and actual responsibilities, the boycott campaign in solidarity with the Palestinian people bears neither hypocrisy nor anti-Semitism. We do make a distinction between Judaism, being a religious faith, and Zionism, being a political ideology supporting racism and apartheid. We fully agree with Jean-Guy Greilsamer, of the Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP, 21 sept 2015, click here): "L’État d’Israël est largement responsable de l’antisémitisme qu’il dénonce, parce que l’image qu’il présente des Juifs du monde entier est celle d’une population entièrement dévouée à la cause du sionisme et des gouvernements israéliens quoiqu’ils fassent, au soutien d’un régime qui se place au-dessus des lois, qui se considère dispensé de respecter le droit international. Il crée ainsi la confusion entre juif et militant sioniste". In addition, one could with good reason argue that it may instead really be anti-Semitic nót to criticize the State of Israel for its thoroughly documented violations of Palestinian human rights, and to conflate Jewish identity with unquestioning support for the State of Israel by upholding the coupling of Jewish identity together with the Israeli State, which many Jewish scholars have challenged. [5]
(b) Boycott is a peaceful, non-violent and moral tool meant to pressurize the Israeli State into complying with international humanitarian law, i.e. putting an end to the occupation and colonization of Palestine, dismantling the Apartheid Wall, granting equal rights to all Palestinians and recognizing the right to return of the refugees. This tactic - boycott is not a goal but a means - is, in fact, in accordance with UN standards and strategies of dealing with rogue states acting in disregard of international law and human rights conventions. [6] With scores of UN resolutions never respected, Geneva Conventions never honoured, and humanitarian laws never valued, the threat of pariah status should persuade Israel to abandon its policies of apartheid and oppression. The last twenty years, or more, have confirmed that there is no credible alternative to BDS and PACBI [right now, Nov 17, Netanyahu approved the construction of 500 more illegal settlement units in the Ramat Shlomo settlement, in occupied East Jerusalem]. Armed liberation struggle being a dead-end, the global boycott movement is the only practical possibility for Palestinian survival. So let me repeat my question to Willy Wolsztajn and other critical observers opposing any boycott of Israel: decades of "open dialogue and engagement" having clearly failed to bring about a change for the better, what do they propose that could redress Israel's ignominious Palestinian policy? Could restore, that is, Palestinians' basic human rights: dignity, freedom, equality, justice, security and the right to self-determination? I'd hate to have to conclude that their verbal criticism of Israel's policies is, disingenuously, only meant to cover up an acceptance of the status quo.
(c) The history of Europe's anti-Semitism and its horrors should be recognized and fully assumed; its lessons should be learned, again and again. Today, it should be a warning to us all, whoever and wherever we are (read now: Timothy Snyder, "Black Earth. The Holocaust as History and Warning", 2015). This does apply to Jewish Israelis as well. Alas, “the Holocaust makes Israelis think international law doesn’t apply to them, because they are the ultimate victims of history; the only victims” (Gideon Levy).They are wrong, of course. The past, however horrific it was, cannot in any way justify or legitimize present crimes one is committing oneself: "Auschwitz" does nót justify "Gaza". Israel's "state of exception", that is, with its guaranteed impunity, should be ended forth-with. In the words of Michael Thomas: "Israel is said to be an exceptional state. But when its leaders act in violation of settled legal and moral norms, no exception should be made, no pass given". Our governments having failed and still failing, it is up to the world's civil community to challenge Israel's criminal treatment of the Palestinians. This should happen by the same methods as were used against South Africa's apartheid in the 1970' and 80s: i.e. by means of boycott, divestment and sanctions. Emanating from more than 170 Palestinian civil society organizations, the boycott call is answered today by more and more organizations and individuals worldwide. As for the academic and cultural boycott of Israeli institutions, it requires en plus that, as long as Palestinians' rights to education and freedom of expression are being violated and Palestinian arts and culture destroyed, one refrains from participating in any institutional event or common project that is conducive to normalizing or legitimatizing Israel’s colonial policies. [7]
PS: November 13, 2015, IS (or: Daesh) perpetrated in Paris a series of murderous terror attacks. The probable political fall-out of it reaching as far as Israel and Palestine, I'd like to quote from Gideon Levy's op-ed: "Before the Israeli Right Rejoices Over Paris". "The Israeli right will say: 'We told you so. That is how the Palestinians are, that is how the Muslims are - bloodthirsty animals. The conclusion: There is no partner'. This is of course a propagandist house of cards" (Haaretz, Nov 16, 2015, click here): "...There are now quite a few Israelis who are rejoicing in their hearts (or on the social networks) in light of the events in Paris. In addition to the perverseness of rejoicing over the death of other human beings, this is also a celebration of the blind. The correct lesson from what happened in Paris is that there are no longer any local wars. The world cannot continue to shut its eyes in the face of what is happening in Syria, and also not in the face of the Israeli occupation. When the world pulls itself together from the shock, maybe it will also free itself from the paralysis and understand that it must harness itself to find a solution to these conflicts, both in wartorn Syria as well as in the occupied Palestinian territories. Then let's see the Israeli right".
PS 2: We should never despair: Obama's "czar" for IS now recognizes: "we can’t defeat extremism without resolving Palestinian issue" (Mondoweiss, Dec 14, 2015, click here).
1. "Let us consider what the last twenty years of dialogue, mutual engagement and negotiation have brought us. Since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993 the Israeli government has constructed 53,000 homes to house 500,000 new settler-colonists in the West Bank, has subjected Gaza to a medieval siege for over 6 years, destroyed 15,000 Palestinian homes, expelled 11,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem and divided the West Bank into 167 segregated population zones that are divided from each other by a 440km cement wall and 522 military checkpoints. It has suppressed a popular uprising and launched four major offensives that have left over 7,000 Palestinians dead", Omar Robert HAMILTON, "J. K. Rowling and the Prisoners of Israel", CounterPunch, Oct 26, 2015: click here.
2. What has been called the political exploitation of the Holocaust has reached recently its outrageous as well as grotesque peak when, with the latest spike in violence in Jerusalem and the O.T. (October 2015), Netanyahu exonerated Hitler while claiming that it was actually the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who'd come up with the idea of exterminating the Jews instead of expelling them. As was written in a statement by Jewish Voice for Peace (Oct 21): "Netanyahu’s shameless exploitation of the Shoah to stoke fear of Palestinians contributes to the ongoing state-sponsored demonization and dehumanization of the Palestinian people" ( click here). See also the comment, from a different angle, by Rod JONES: "(Netanyahu's claim) was noteworthy not because it has no basis in fact, but because it tells us about the centrality of Jewish history to the mind-set of the political leadership in Israel" (" Exceptional Israel: the case for BDS", Dec 16, OpenDemocracy.net: click here).
3. Samah JABR & Elizabeth BERGER: "The Thinking behind the Mental Health Workers’ Pledge for Palestine" (Middle East Monitor, Nov 8, 2015): click here.
4. "Aside from its logical flaws, the “singling out” accusation has a disturbing colonial genealogy, having been used by all sorts of abusive regimes to justify their behavior. An article [...] from The Christian Science Monitor in 1989 presented nearly identical arguments to defend apartheid in South Africa", cf. the site of Anthropologists for the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions, "On 'Singling Out' Apartheid", November 6, 2015: click here. The article, "South Africa shouldn't be singled out", was authored by one Anne-Marie Kriek, Oct 12, 1989. In the same vein, she "critically" confessed as well that "it is true that there are many things wrong in South Africa". The full article can be read on the same address of ABIAI.
5. Cf. Simon REYNOLDS, “Straining at the leash: Israel’s embrace of ‘rogue state’ status”, Middle East Eye, 19/11/2015 ( click here).
6. Cf. e.g. Yakov RABKIN, "A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism", Zed Books, 2006.
7. "In this context, 'dialogue' is often presented as a alternative to boycott. Yet, 'dialogue' on these terms positions coexistence or status quo as a substitute for ending oppression. In South Africa, forgiveness processes and 'healing' rituals only occurred àfter the dismantling of apartheid", Sarah SCHULMAN, "Normalization: Supremacy Ideology Masquerading as Reality", in: Dawson & Mullen, p. 174.
* Read as well our FAQ: "Pourquoi boycotter Israël? (et non pas p.ex. le Soudan?)": click here!
* "Israel’s Exceptionalism: Normalizing the Abnormal", PACBI, 31 October 2011: click here!
* Susan ABULHAWA, "Occupied Words: On Israel's colonial narrative" (Aljazeera, 27 Oct 2015), click here!
* Perry ANDERSON, "The House of Zion", in: The New Left Review, Nr 96, Nov-Dec 2015 ( click here).
* Jonathan COOK, "Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair", Zed Books, 2008 ( click here).
* Ashley DAWSON & B.V.MULLEN (ed.), "Against Apartheid. The case for boycotting Israeli universities", Chicago 2015.
* Tony JUDT, "When the Facts Change", Essays 1995-2010, Part Two: "Israel, the Holocaust, and the Jews", ed. and introd. by Jennifer Homans, New York 2015.
* Gideon LEVY, "Holocaust makes Israelis think international law doesn’t apply" (The Irish Times, Sept 11, 2014): click here.
* Ilan PAPPÉ: "Ilan Pappe on the western awakening and what it means for Israel/Palestine", in: Mondoweiss, May 11, 2015: click here
* Dahlia SCHEINDLIN, "No, BDS does not unfairly 'single out' Israel" (+972, July 13, 2015): click here!
* Michael THOMAS, "Operation Protective Edge. The War Crimes Case Against Israel’s Leaders", MERIP, Oct 26, 2015: click here!
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External Links
- *A. Daniel ROTH: "Each morning brings the fear of losing everything" (+972, Aug 25, 2019).
- Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "The Protest Dispersed. Then an Israeli Sniper Shot a 9-year-old Boy in the Head" (Haaretz, July 20, 2019, via IAK).
- Entsar ABU JAHAL: "Plenty of fish in Gaza sea, but not for Palestinians" (Al-Monitor, June 14, 2019).
- Myriam DEPREZ: "Susiya: The build-and-destroy dance of Israel’s demolitions" (Middle East Monitor, May 10, 2019).
- OCHA (oPt), Child labour increasing in Gaza" (OCHA - Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin, April 2019, May 14, 2019).
- Netta AHITUV, "Endless trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys a year. These are their testimonies" (Breaking the Silence via Haaretz, March 16, 2019).
- Kit O'CONNELL: "Israel Cutting Palestinians Off From Their Own Water Supply" (MintPress News, June 30, 2016).
- "Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child Near Ramallah" (IMEMC, June 21, 2016).
- Edo KONRAD: "Tel Aviv mayor says the occupation is a cause of Palestinian terror" (+972, June 9, 2016).
- "After being shot three days ago by IOF, Palestinian youth dies from injuries" (Palestinian Information Center, June 6, 2016).
- Palestine PMO: Israel’s destruction of Palestinian water infrastructure is atrocious (Palestine News Network, May 26, 2016).
- Again, settlers burn Palestinian farms in West Bank (Days of Palestine, May 16, 2016).
- Michal ZAK: "Third intifada, terror wave, the 'situation': Just don't mention the 'O' word to Israelis" (Middle East Eye, March 13, 2016).
- Jon QUEALLY: "Brother and Sister, Children Aged 10 and 6, Killed by Israeli Bombing in Gaza" (Common Dreams, March 13, 2016).
- Jonathan COOK: "Aid subversion report makes for shocking reading" (The National, March 7, 2016).
- "Palestijns meisje van 13 geëxecuteerd" (alexandrina.nl, 23 jan, 2016).
- "UN decries Abu Nuwar demolitions, calls for immediate end to planned transfers" (Medical Aid for Palestinians, MAP, Jan 20, 2016).
- Julie PUTSEYS: "Palestijnse empowerment op Israëlische scholen." Geen gelijke kansen zonder evenwaardig onderwijs. Zo denkt de Arabisch-Israëlische professor Dalia Fadila er alleszins over. (MO*, 10 Jan 2016).
- Uri SAVIR: "Why solving Israel-Palestine conflict is still key for regional stability" (Al-Monitor, Jan 3, 2016).
- C.J.WERLEMAN: "The road to hell is paved with 'national security'". Israel is turning the West’s fixation on the Islamic State group into an opportunity to expand its apartheid laws and militarisation of the West Bank (Middle East Eye, Jan 1, 2016).
- Mazal MUALEM: "'Hate wedding' video offers glimpse at Jewish terror" (Al-Monitor, Dec 28, 2015).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Catastrophe for Syrians and Palestinians alike in war-ravaged country" (The Electronic Intifada, Dec 23, 2015).
- Shlomi ELDAR: "Why the US is part of Middle East problem, not the solution". Interview with Ayman Odeh (Al-Monitor, Dec 14, 2015).
- Philip WEISS: "Obama’s ISIS czar says we can’t defeat extremism without resolving Palestinian issue" (Mondoweiss, Dec 14, 2015).
- Uri SAVIR: "How the Islamic State hurts Palestinian cause" (Al-Monitor, Dec 6, 2015).
- Al Jazeera: "Gaza's crumbling healthcare system" (Yahoo.com, Dec 8, 2015).
- Nurit CANETTI: "The radicalization of Israel" (Al-Monitor, Dec 2, 2015).
- Kate: "Prominent Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then shoots her dead" (Mondoweiss, Nov 23, 2015).
- Gideon LEVY: "So These Are Israel's New Heroes?" Israel's recent military operations in Palestinian hospitals are a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention, and make you wonder how low the country can sink (Haaretz, Nov 21, 2015).
- Philip WEISS: "The best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism" (Mondoweiss, Nov 15, 2015).
- Ahmed MOOR: "The Problem of Palestine is Zionism" (Fair Observer, Nov 11, 2015).
- Miko PELED: "Zionism is racism: Notes from Tel-Rumeida, Hebron, El-Khalil" (American Herald Tribune, Nov 13, 2015).
- Megan HANNA: "‘It Has Become A Prison’: The ghettoization of Hebron" (Mondoweiss, Nov 11, 2015).
- Avigail ABARBANEL: "Netanyahu’s craziness is calculated, to drive out Palestinians" (Mondoweiss, Nov 5, 2015).
- Michel WARSCHAWSKI: "La jeunesse palestinienne à couteaux tirés avec Israël" (Orient XXI, 15 Oct 2015).
- Kamel HAWWASH: "Palestinians have a problem with occupiers not (with) Jews" (MEMO, Oct 30, 2015).
- "Palestijnse baby vermoord met traangas" (Alexandrina, Oct 31, 2015).
- Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israel’s executions of Palestinian teens must end, Amnesty says" (The Electronic Intifada, Oct 28, 2015).
- Killian REDDEN: "Hebron at eye of the storm as death toll rises" (Ma'an News Agency, Oct 26, 2015).
- "Netanyahu Shamelessly Exploits the Shoah to Stoke Fear of Palestinians" (Jewish Voice for Peace, Oct 21, 2015).
- Amos GVIRTZ: "From Unilateral- to Bilateral War - or: How the Palestinians Fight to Prevent Being Expelled From the Country" (Occupation Magazine, Oct 20, 2015).
- Noam SHEIZAF: "Jerusalem, in context" (+972, October 19, 2015). "The current events in Jerusalem have a political history and context. Attempts to attribute the violence to some kind of Palestinian pathology while ignoring other factors is a recipe for making things worse."
- Meron RAPOPORT: "The paradox of Jerusalem" (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2015).
- Hatem BAZIAN: "Palestine's Wound" (Medium, October 18, 2015).
- Robert COHEN: "Israel gets away with it because it is a global arms supplier — Jeff HALPER" (Mondoweiss, October 15, 2015).
- David HEARST: "A new intifada for a new generation" (Middle East Eye, October 12, 2015).
- Gideon LEVY: "Israel's Lawless Death Penalty Without Trial Buoyed by Cheers of the Masses". "In this way, one of the main reasons for this uprising’s eruption is demonstrated - the dehumanization of the Palestinians, whose life and death are worthless to the Israelis" (Haaretz, October 11, 2015).
- Odeh BISHARAT: "Even the Brighter Side of Israel Demands Execution Without Trial". In Israel, the occupation is embraced in almost every home. It's no wonder that cop shot the woman with the knife so quickly (Haaretz, 11 October 2015).
- Peter BEAUMONT: "Israeli occupation is root cause of Palestine conflict, says Marwan Barghouti". Jailed Palestinian leader calls on international community to tackle root cause of violence between Palestinians and Israelis (The Guardian, 11 October 2015).
- Noam SHEIZAF: "Israel still holds all the cards" (+972, 11 October 2015).
- Sawsan KHALIFE': "The heavy price of segregation and occupation" (+972, 9 October 2015).
- Peter BEAUMONT: "Is a third Palestinian intifada on the way – or has it already begun?" Violence is escalating but it is not yet clear whether Palestinian society is united in a desire for another prolonged period of unrest (The Guardian, 5 October 2015).
- Jesse RUBIN: "Throwing stones is part of Palestine’s struggle" (The Electronic Intifada, 5 October 2015).
- Meron RAPOPORT: "Netanyahu faces possible civil war" (Middle East Eye, 5 October 2015).
- Nasim AHMED: "With the rise of settler terrorism, can Israel still be described as a rational political actor?" (Middle East Monitor, 3 October 2015).
- Sharif NASHASHIBI: "At the UN, Abbas wastes another opportunity for Palestine" (Middle East Eye, 1 October 2015).
- Sarah CHAMPION: "Gaza Is a Horrific Humanitarian Disaster That We Cannot Allow to Continue" (Huffington Post UK, 24/9/2015).
- Rosemary SAYIGH: "The Price of Statelessness: Palestinian Refugees From Syria" (al-shabaka.org, 15 May 2013).
- "Al-Aqsa, la révolte impuissante". "Alain Gresh et René Backmann analysent la dynamique de la violence à l’œuvre à Jérusalem-Est et l’intensification de la politique de judaïsation de la ville" (Association France Palestine Solidarité, 16 septembre 2015).
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