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Antisemitism vs Anti-Zionism
(1) Resources (latest first):
(2) Articles: below (latest first)
Rebecca Ruth GOULD, « The IHRA Definition of Antisemitism is Erasing Palestine from UK Universities » (The New Arab): click here!A new report shows how the IHRA definition of antisemitism has silenced criticism of Israel in UK universities. It continues to undermine academic freedom and muddle our understanding of anti-Jewish hatred, writes Rebecca Ruth Gould..
ELSC & BRISMES, « The Adverse Impact of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism. Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in UK Higher Education » (ELSC & BRISMES - British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, September 2023, pdf, 47p.): click here!This report highlights four major consequences of the IHRA definitions adoption: 1. Advocates of Palestinian human rights, critics of the Israeli state and its policies and those researching and teaching about the history of and current situation in Israel-Palestine have been targeted with false accusations of antisemitism...
Peter KURAS, « The Strange Logic of Germanys Antisemitism Bureaucrats. Report » (Jewish Currents, July 18, 2023): click here!An army of antisemitism commissioners was supposed to help Germany atone for its past. Critics say it is evidence of a memory effort gone haywire.
« BREAKING-New Report Reveals Human Rights Violations Resulting from IHRA Definition of Antisemitism » (ELSC - European Legal Support Center, June 6, 2023): click here!Today, the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) launches its new report Suppressing Palestinian Rights Advocacy through the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism Violating the Rights to Freedom of Expression and Assembly in the European Union and the UK. The report is the first case-based account of human rights violations resulting from the institutionalisation and application of the controversial IHRA definition by the European Union and the UK. The growing concerns about the negative human rights impact of the IHRA definition, have so far been ignored by the EU.
REPORT: « Suppressing Palestinian Rights Advocacy through the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism. Violating the rights to freedom of expression and assembly in the European Union and the UK. » Legal Support Center (ELSC) - 6 JUNE 2023 (pdf, 48p.): click here!
« Antisemitisme, anti-Palestijns racisme en Europa: pleidooi voor een kritisch en democratisch debat » (Nederlandse Boekengids, april 23, 2023), click here!Socioloog Hilla Dayan en politiek filosoof Yolande Jansen betogen dat Europa uit de ingebeelde rol van omstander moet komen, wil een constructieve kritiek op Israël mogelijk worden. De onderdrukking van de Palestijnen door de Israëlische staat hangt volgens hen nauw samen met de huidige Europese politiek, de Europese nationalistische verbeelding en de koloniale geschiedenis. De veronachtzaming van deze invloed levert een historisch en politiek vacuüm op waarin problematische antisemitismedefinities effectieve kritiek uitsluiten, juist op het moment dat die harder nodig is dan ooit.
Asa WINSTANLEY: « Weaponising Antisemitism: How the Israel lobby brought down Jeremy Corbyn. » Or Books, 2023, 310pp., click here! Review by Deborah Maccoby (Jewish Voice for Labour, 24 May 2023): click here! Investigative journalist Asa Winstanley, associate editor with The Electronic Intifada, has long been a relentless critic of the Israeli governments oppression of the Palestinian people and of Britain and others complicity in this. - Meticulously researched while reading like a fast-paced thriller, this explosive new book details the way the Israel lobby deployed charges of anti-Semitism to destroy Jeremy Corbyns bid for power as leader of the Labour Party. An essential historical corrective, Weaponising Anti-Semitism shines light into the murkiest corners of the British state and those who work with it. 300 p. Paperback: Ł15/$18.
Canadians for Justice and Peast in the Middle East: "IHRA's True Intentions: This is the Speech About Israel and Palestine That IHRA Wants to Silence" (CJPME, December 2022, pdf, 14p. ): click here! Executive Summary: click here! In recent years, we have watched antisemitic rhetoric and violence increase while political leaders and movements around the world have wielded bad faith accusations of antisemitism to promote authoritarian, racist, and misogynist polices and politics, and attack and attempt to silence Palestinians and their allies. [With list of the members of the International Advisory Board].
"Pogroms" (Holocaust Encyclopedia): click here! Pogrom is a Russian word meaning to wreak havoc, to demolish violently. Historically, the term refers to violent attacks by local non-Jewish populations on Jews in the Russian Empire and in other countries.
Antony LERMAN, "Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the 'Collective Jew". Pluto Press, June 2022. Pb ISBN: 9780745338774, eBook ISBN: 9781786806307, 336 pages. Price: Ł17.99, ebook: Ł9.99. Reviewed by Deborah H. Maccoby, "Antony Lerman's 'Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? ' - a must read" (Jewish Voice for Labour, July 21, 2022), click here!
"The European Commission 'Handbook' Promoting the controverial IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism: A Legal Analysis" (ELSC - European Legal Support Center, 2022, pdf, 14p.): click here! Executive Summary (2p.): click here!
"Diaspora Alliance promotes just and democratic societies by combating antisemitism and challenging its instrumentalization" (2022): click here!In recent years, we have watched antisemitic rhetoric and violence increase while political leaders and movements around the world have wielded bad faith accusations of antisemitism to promote authoritarian, racist, and misogynist polices and politics, and attack and attempt to silence Palestinians and their allies. [With list of the members of the International Advisory Board]
Alana LENTIN, "Anti-antisemitism: a proxy war on racism" (Alana Lentin, December 16, 2021): click here! Executive Summary (2p.): click here! The political utility of antisemitism today is not to illuminate the operations of race, but rather to obscure them.
Ilan BARUCH, "Why is the EU helping to label Israel criticism as antisemitism?" (+972, April 19, 2021): click here!By adopting the IHRA definition, the EU is playing into the agendas of Israel advocacy groups that undermine civil society work against the occupation.
Jonathan SHAMIR, "Two Jews, Three Definitions: New Documents Challenge Mainstream View of Antisemitism " (Haaretz, April 18, 2021): click here!Two new documents published by Jewish intellectuals challenge the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism and its emphasis on Israel.
"Principles for Dismantling Antisemitism. A Progressive Jewish Response to the Jerusalem Declaration" (April 6, 2021): click here!We write this statement with urgent concern about the ongoing attempts of the Israeli government to evade accountability for its human rights abuses and violations of international law by levying accusations of antisemitism at Palestinians and those who advocate for Palestinian rights. Not only does this silence Palestinians and their advocates, but it also jeopardizes Jewish safety and the struggle to dismantle antisemitism.
"The Nexus Document: Understanding Antisemitism At Its Nexus With Israel And Zionism" (March 2021): click here!This definition of antisemitism, and the examples that follow, derive from a White Paper drafted by the Nexus Task Force, which examines the issues at the nexus of antisemitism and Israel in American politics. The Task Force is a project of the Knight Program on Media and Religion at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at USC. The definition is designed as a guide for policymakers and community leaders as they grapple with the complexities at the intersection of Israel and antisemitism.
"The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism" (March 25, 2021): click here!The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism is a tool to identify, confront and raise awareness about antisemitism as it manifests in countries around the world today. It includes a preamble, definition, and a set of 15 guidelines that provide detailed guidance for those seeking to recognize antisemitism in order to craft responses. It was developed by a group of scholars in the fields of Holocaust history, Jewish studies, and Middle East studies to meet what has become a growing challenge: providing clear guidance to identify and fight antisemitism while protecting free expression. Initially signed by 210 scholars, it has now around 350 signatories.
Avi SHLAIM, "On British colonialism, antisemitism, and Palestinian rights" (MEE, 1 March, 2021) : click here!From the 'original sin' of 1917 to the government's more recent adoption of the controversial IHRA antisemitism definition, Britain has always been firmly in Israel's camp.
"The Handbook for the practical use of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism" (The European Commission, January 7, 2021, pdf, 48p.): click here!This document was commissioned by the European Commission and has been published jointly with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, with support from the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The information and views set out herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commissions behalf may be held responsible for any use of the information provided here.
Kenneth S. STERN, "Steering the Biden administration wrong on anti-Semitism " (The Times of Israel, Dec 10, 2020): click here!Of all the crucial steps the new government must take to protect Jews, adopting the IHRA definition I drafted should not be the top priority.
Ofer ADERET, "Renowned Jewish Historian: Stop Using the Term Antisemitism" (Haaretz, Sept 29, 2020): click here!Professor David Engel insists events that occurred in different eras and different places arent necessarily connected.
Amos GOLDBERG, "Dear Facebook: Please don't adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism" (Forward, Sept 13, 2020): click here!A coordinated public pressure campaign is attempting to induce Facebook to adopt the controversial definition of antisemitism used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and to use it to police content published on its platform. On August 7, 128 organizations sent an open letter to Facebook's Board of Directors, calling on them "to fully adopt the IHRA working definition of antisemitism" and to implement a hate speech policy on antisemitism with that definition "at its core."... Together with 55 other scholars specialized in antisemitism, Jewish and Holocaust history and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I have just sent my own letter to Facebook's Board of Directors warning them against adoption and application of the IHRA definition.
Joint letter of 56 scholars to Facebook: "Don't adopt the 'IHRA definition of antisemitism'" (7 Sept, 2020, pdf, 5p.): click here!"Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, dear Ms. Sandberg, dear Board of Directors, We, scholars specialized in antisemitism, Jewish and Holocaust history and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are writing to you with regard to Facebooks policy and efforts to ban antisemitic content from your platform, as part of your companys wider struggle against hate speech and bigotry...". With the full list of signatories.
"Palestinian rights and the IHRA definition of antisemitism" (The Guardian, Nov 29, 2020) : click here!A group of 122 Palestinian and Arab academics, journalists and intellectuals express their concerns about the IHRA definition.
Thomas SUÀREZ: "The Antisemitism Wars: Ex Uno, Plures: out of one, many. The smoke and mirrors of Zionist propagandists' self-corroboration (March 2020): click here!
- Jonathan SHAMIR, « German Czar Says Calling Israel 'Apartheid' Is Antisemitic » (Haaretz, August 7, 2023): click here!
Klein was appointed as Germany's first ever Commissioner for Jewish Life and the Fight against Antisemitism in 2018, and has been one of the most prominent figures in the state-led battle to combat antisemitism in Europe.
- « Sans justice pour les Palestiniens, Israël ne sera jamais entièrement légitime » . Carte blanche par lAssociation belgo-palestinienne (ABP), lUnion des progressistes juifs de Belgique (UPJB), Een Andere Joodse Stem (EAJS) et Palestina Solidariteit. (LeSoir, le 10 juillet 2023): click here!
l y a des timings qui en disent long. À lheure où larmée doccupation mettait la ville de Jénine et toute la Cisjordanie à feu et à sang, certains ont estimé opportun de sattaquer à la solidarité avec les Palestiniens. Les signataires dune tribune parue le 4 juillet déplorent en effet la multiplication des appels au boycott dIsraël...
- Miko PELED: « No Matter How You Frame It, the ADL is a Racist Organization » (Mint Press, June 20, 2023): click here!
The Biden administration has released the countrys first national strategy for combating antisemitism, a landmark plan aimed at addressing a growing problem. This is from a piece in NPR titled, The first national strategy for fighting antisemitism is finally here. Whats in it? Spoiler alert: it is not about fighting antisemitism or any other sort of racism; it is a strategy to silence Palestinian voices in the U.S. in the service of Israel.
- Ali ABUNIMAH: « The Mossad roots of the bogus IHRA anti-Semitism definition » (The Electronic Intifada, 8 June 2023): click here!
The controversial definition of anti-Semitism adopted by the European Union and dozens of countries, local governments and institutions within the bloc has led to widespread restrictions of the right of assembly and freedom of expression. Thats one of the sobering findings of a new report from the European Legal Support Center (ELSC), an organization that defends Palestinian rights advocates from pervasive censorship. The report also draws attention to how the effort to redefine criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism which eventually culminated in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism was originally funded by Mossad, Israels notorious global spying and assassination agency.
- Richar SILVERSTEIN: « NEXUS and IHRA: The Anti-Semitism Debate » (Tikun Olam, 7 June 2023): click here!
TWhere IHRA politicizes anti Semitism, NEXUS portrays the subject with careful nuance. Despite its acceptance by numerous US states and European parliaments, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism rightfully elicits widespread opposition by political leaders, human rights NGOs, scholars of anti-Semitism, twelve US Jewish groups and even the co-author, Kenneth Stern. There are numerous problems with it, which I outline here. But primary among them is the very conception of anti-Semitism which it offers. Of its 11 examples defining the term, the majority deal with Israel. This leads to conflating a very real threat to Jews with Israel. The underlying assumption of IHRA is that they are one and the same. This in itself is a reductionist view. Not to mention that its characteristic of the Jew hatred of white supremacists. In other words, the definition itself is anti-Semitic.
- Nasim AHMED: "Biden Administration to Combat Antisemitism, but wont Shield Israel from Criticism" (MEMo via Informed Comment, May 31, 2023): click here!
Supporters of Israel advocating for the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism have suffered a major blow in their ongoing effort to shield the apartheid state from criticism, following the release of a strategy document by the White House detailing its plan to combat the rise of anti-Jewish racism. Since at least 2016, anti-Palestinian groups have been clamouring to place the IHRA at the heart and centre of regulatory frameworks, which critics say is designed to police free speech on Israel and Palestine.
- Natasha ROTH-ROWLAND: "Bidens antisemitism strategy gets a lot right but has one problem" (+972, May 27, 2023): click here!
By failing to push back on problematic definitions of antisemitism, the White House is missing a golden opportunity in the fight against hate.
- Ali ABUNIMAH: "Biden launches new plan to censor criticism of Israel" (The Electronic Intifada, May 26, 2023): click here!
The Biden administration on Thursday launched what it is billing as the first-ever US national strategy to counter anti-Semitism. The initiative, spearheaded by Douglas Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, received a warm welcome from Israel lobbyists who helped shape it, and who will play a key role in implementing it.
- Richard SILVERSTEIN: "Biden Administration Releases National Anti-Semitism Strategy to Mixed Reviews" (Tikun Olam, May 26, 2023): click here!
It "embraces" the IHRA "definition" while according equal status to Nexus Document, which offers far-more balanced approach.
- Ben SAMUELS: "Biden Unveils Historic Antisemitism Plan: 'Singling Out Israel Because of anti-Jewish Hate Is Antisemitic'" (Haaretz, May 25, 2023 ): click here!
The plan formulated with input from over 1,000 Jewish community members, Congress, businesses, civil society, and local officials; Strategy reaffirms unwavering U.S. commitment to 'Israel's existence, legitimacy, and security'.
- HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: "UN: More Groups Address Antisemitism Issue" (April 20, 2023 ): click here!
More than 100 human rights and civil rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, are urging the United Nations to respect human rights in its efforts to combat antisemitism, Human Rights Watch said today. Over 40 additional organizations added their names to an update of an April 3, 2023 open letter from Human Rights Watch and partners to Secretary-General António Guterres and the high representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Ángel Moratinos. In that letter, the groups urge the UN not to endorse or adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliances (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. Republished by Jewish Voice for Labour (followed by the letter itself and the long list of signatories - BAA4P being among them), click here!.
- Jonathan SHAMIR: "Sixty Rights Groups, Including Human Rights Watch, Call on UN to Reject IHRA Antisemitism Definition" (Haaretz, April 9, 2023 ): click here!
An open letter by sixty civil society organizations, including Israeli and Palestinian rights groups, has urged the UN not to endorse a definition of antisemitism based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, as it could restrict Palestinian freedom of expression.
- Luke TRESS: "US federal probe finds University of Vermont mishandled antisemitism allegations" (TOI, April 5, 2023 ): click here!
Flagship state university resolves complaint with Office for Civil Rights after investigation says the school did not properly look into harassment of Jewish students.
- « Human Rights and other Civil Society Groups Urge United Nations to Respect Human Rights in the Fight Against Antisemitism » (Human Rights Watch, April 3, 2023 ): click here!
Joint Letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Under Secretary-General Miguel Ángel Moratinos. The letter is followed by the list of all endorsing organisations (BAA4P being among them).
- Michael ARRIA: "American Bar Association removes IHRA definition from antisemitism resolution" (Mondoweiss, Feb 14, 2023 ): click here!
The American Bar Association passed a resolution condemning antisemitism but removed a reference to the controversial IHRA definition from its text.
- Sunniva ROSE: "UN official calls on EU to review definition of anti-Semitism" (NationalNews.com, Feb 2, 2023 ): click here!
Special rapporteur tells The National that the current characterisation obstructs public discussion of Israels discriminatory treatment of Palestinians.
- Philip WEISS: "Israels conduct fosters antisemitism in the U.S., says Ken Roth" (Mondoweiss, January 21, 2023 ): click here!
I personally have been lambasted when I noted that incidents of antisemitism sometimes parallel Israeli government conduct. So you find with the latest bombardment of Gaza, there is predictably a surge of antisemitic incidents around the world. And to point that out is a taboo
. Youre never allowed to suggest that the Israeli government, which is supposed to be the custodian of the Jewish people, the savior of the Jewish people, can ever be harming the Jewish people
- David CRONIN: "EU distorts history of how it helped weaponize anti-Semitism (The Electronic Intifada, 18 Jan 2023): click here!
[European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA): "ANTISEMITISM: OVERVIEW OF ANTISEMITIC INCIDENTS RECORDED IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 20112021." PDF ISBN 978-92-9461-950-1 doi:10.2811/666327 TK-04-22-002-EN, 100p.( "Belgium:" pp 33-39): click here!
- Michael ARRIA: "Despite pressure from pro-Israel groups, Education Department doesnt adopt controversial antisemitism definition (Mondoweiss, Jan 17, 2023): click here!
Despite pressure from pro-Israel groups, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights has not embraced the controversial IHRA working definition of antisemitism.
- Peter BEINART: "Antisemitic Zionists Arent a Contradiction in Terms (Jewish Currents, Jan 10, 2023): click here!
Pundits express surprise when antisemitism and Zionism overlap, but the ideologies share much in commonand many adherents.
- Michael HOROVITZ: "Report: Ex-Human Rights Watch chief denied Harvard fellowship over anti-Israel bias" (The Times of Israel, Jan 7, 2023) : click here!
Dean of Kennedy School said to side with pro-Israel donors and veto Kenneth Roths position at human rights center; HRW has long been accused of bias against Jewish state.
- Jonathan KUTTAB: "How not to fight antisemitism" (Mondoweiss, Dec 28, 2022) : click here!
The proper response to antisemitism is to increase solidarity with other oppressed groups, not demand support for Zionism.
- Shane BURLEY: "Why the Fight over defining Antisemitism is Key to the Future of BDS" (Informed Comment, Dec 21, 2022) : click here!
Despite conservatives in America feigning their undying support for free speech, those convictions often vanish when it comes to even mild criticism of Israel. A recent Texas state bill was introduced that, among other things, barred any worker or company on a public sector contract from supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movements efforts to confront Israels treatment of Palestinians. The Texas law was overturned after an engineering firm contracting with the City of Houston said that such a declaration violated its speech rights, but it was just one of dozens of bills across the country all meant to undermine the BDS movement.
- Wesam HASSAN, "On Teaching the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Conversation with Professor Avi Shlaim" (Oxford Middle East Review, Jan 24, 2022) : click here! Republished in: Jewish Voice for Labour ( Jan 25, 2022), click here!
How can we study and teach the Arab-Israeli conflict? In this interview, I speak with Professor Avi Shlaim, an Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford. Professor Shlaim has published eight books on the Arab-Israeli conflict and has been teaching the subject for more than three decades.
- Jonathan SHAMIR, "Once in BDS Crosshairs, Award-winning Play Cancelled in Germany Over Alleged Antisemitism" (Haaretz, Nov 20, 2022) : click here!
The play, which also faced backlash from BDS activists in 2019 for receiving funds from Israel, was accused by Jewish student groups of relativizing the Holocaust, making comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany and 'Israel-related antisemitism'.
- Jonathan SHAMIR, "Once in BDS Crosshairs, Award-winning Play Cancelled in Germany Over Alleged Antisemitism" (Haaretz, Nov 20, 2022) : click here!
The play, which also faced backlash from BDS activists in 2019 for receiving funds from Israel, was accused by Jewish student groups of relativizing the Holocaust, making comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany and 'Israel-related antisemitism'.
- Nate ORBACH, "Anatomy of a scandal: Unraveling the myth of Jewish-free zones at UC Berkeley" (+972, Oct 26, 2022) : click here!
The manufactured controversy surrounding a student group pledge underlines the dangers of legal attempts to conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism.
- Hebh JAMAL, "Uniting behind Palestinians, German art festival hits back at antisemitism charges" (+972, Oct 24, 2022): click here!
Curators and artists at the renowned documenta fifteen exhibition faced a torrent of denunciations, including from German officials, for hosting Palestinian collectives and exhibits on Palestine solidarity.
- Billy BRIGGS, "University of Aberdeen votes against using IHRA definition of anti-Semitism" (The National, Oct 9, 2022): click here!
Aberdeen University has rejected a working definition of antisemitism as recommended by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for governments and organisations around the world to adopt. After a two-year consultation, the university has adopted the Jerusalem Declaration of Antisemitism (JDA) instead.
- Peter BEINART, "Has the Fight Against Antisemitism Lost Its Way?" (NYT, Aug 26, 2022): click here!
Over the past 18 months, Americas most prominent Jewish organizations have done something extraordinary. They have accused the worlds leading human rights organizations of promoting hatred of Jews.
- Richard SILVERSTEIN, "Hypocrisy, Holocaust and Abbas" (Aug 20, 2022): click here!
The manufactured outrage over Abbas' remarks obscures Israel's routine exploitation of the Holocaust.
- Ben REIFF, "The siege is only a symptom" (+972, Aug 11, 2022): click here!
To confront Israels violence against Palestinians, progressive Jews in Israel and around the world must reckon with the ideology that lies at its root.
- Eli MACHOVER, "Racist Anti-racism" (Jewish Voice for Labour, 5 August, 2022): click here!
For any anti-racist, Antony Lermans latest book does not make for easy reading. Across almost 300 pages of historical research and analysis, Lerman sketches the genesis of the discourse on the new anti-semitism: in short, the equation of anti-Zionism with anti-semitism, and the success with which this redefinition has been used by pro-Israel politicians and academics, hasbara organisations and Jewish communal leaders across the west to shut down legitimate criticism of the state of Israel and the ethno-nationalist ideology that underpins it. For any anti-racist, Antony Lermans latest book does not make for easy reading. Across almost 300 pages of historical research and analysis, Lerman sketches the genesis of the discourse on the new anti-semitism: in short, the equation of anti-Zionism with anti-semitism, and the success with which this redefinition has been used by pro-Israel politicians and academics, hasbara organisations and Jewish communal leaders across the west to shut down legitimate criticism of the state of Israel and the ethno-nationalist ideology that underpins it.
- "US judge throws out malicious anti-Semitism claim against university professor" (Middle East Monitor, July 29, 2022): click here!
In a victory for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, a US judge has thrown out bogus anti-Semitism claims against a professor at Pittsburgh university in a lawsuit based on the highly controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Jewish racism.
- Omar ZAHZAH, "Haunted by ghosts, Germany blames Palestinians for anti-Semitism" (The Electronic Intifada, 7 July 2022): click here!
Since a mass Palestinian uprising against Israeli attempts to ethnically cleanse the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah erupted in May 2021, Mohammed El-Kurd has become an increasingly public figure.
- Deborah H. MACCOBY, "Antony Lerman's 'Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? a must read"' (Jewish Voice for Labour, July 21, 2022), click here!
- 'Academia for Equality supports the Declaration on Antisemitism and the Question of Palestine' (Academia for Equality, May 25, 2021), click here!
We would like to warmly support, emphatically and without reservation, the content of the Declaration on Anti-Semitism and the Question of Palestine, which was recently published in The Guardian in the name of 122 Arab and Palestinian academics, journalists, and intellectuals. The authors are correct in pointing out the distortions that arise from the definition of anti-Semitism formulated by IHRA and adopted by many bodies in western countries.
- "Diaspora Alliance" : click here!
In recent years, we have watched antisemitism rhetoric and violence increase while political leaders and movements around the world have wielded bad faith accusations of antisemitism to promote authoritarian, racist, and misogynist polices and politics, and attack and attempt to silence Palestinians and their allies. Those instrumentalizing antisemitism are doing the opposite of what they purport to do: instead of offering safety, they isolate Jews and leave us vulnerable to real antisemitism; instead of promoting justice, they undermine the projects of democracy and social justice that our collective future on this planet depend on.
- Ilan BARUCH, "Why is the EU helping to label Israel criticism as antisemitism?" (+972, April 19, 2021): click here!
By adopting the IHRA definition, the EU is playing into the agendas of Israel advocacy groups that undermine civil society work against the occupation.
- Jonathan SHAMIR, "Two Jews, Three Definitions: New Documents Challenge Mainstream View of Antisemitism " (Haaretz, April 18, 2021): click here!
Two new documents published by Jewish intellectuals challenge the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism and its emphasis on Israel.
- Eva ILLOUZ, "Between Antisemitism and anti-Zionism: The Intellectual's Dilemma" (Haaretz, April 15, 2021): click here!
The fight against antisemitism used to be above politics. Now, however, any criticism of Israel can lead to one being marked with the scarlet letter 'A'.
- "The Nexus Document: Understanding Antisemitism At Its Nexus With Israel And Zionism" (March 2021): click here!
This definition of antisemitism, and the examples that follow, derive from a White Paper drafted by the Nexus Task Force, which examines the issues at the nexus of antisemitism and Israel in American politics. The Task Force is a project of the Knight Program on Media and Religion at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism at USC. The definition is designed as a guide for policymakers and community leaders as they grapple with the complexities at the intersection of Israel and antisemitism.
- "A Palestinian civil society critique of the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism" (BDS Movement, March 25, 2021): click here!
The Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA), despite its flaws detailed below, presents a mainstream alternative to the fraudulent so-called IHRA definition of antisemitism and a cogent guide in the fight against real antisemitism, as many progressive Jewish groups define it--defending Jews, as Jews, from discrimination, prejudice, hostility and violence. It respects to a large extent the right to freedom of expression related to the struggle for Palestinian rights as stipulated in international law, including through BDS, and the struggle against Zionism and Israels regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid.
- "Call to reject the IHRA's 'working definition of antisemitism'" (Israeli Academics - UK, January 11,, 2021): click here!
We, British Academics who are also Israeli citizens, strongly oppose the governmental imposition of the IHRA working definition of antisemitism on Universities in England. We call on all academic senates to reject the IHRA document or, where adopted already, act to revoke it.
- Timo SCHMITZ, "Why is anti-Semitism in Germany on the rise?" (Forward, July 29, 2020): click here!
"Just last week, on July 21, 2020, 69 prominent Germans received threats via fax, e-mail and text signed NSU 2.0. NSU is the German acronym for National Socialist Underground, a right-wing terror group that murdered at least ten people between 2000 and 2007 out of racist motives."
- Allison KAPLAN SOMMER, "Anti-antisemitism? A Battle Rages Over the Jewish Hyphen" (Haaretz, May 21, 2020): click here!
Acclaimed historian Prof. Deborah Lipstadt is leading a fight to lose the hyphen from anti-Semitism, saying its presence completely distorts the meaning of the word.
- Ofri ILANY, "The Ancient Origin of anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Blaming Jews for Plagues" (Haaretz, April 17, 2020): click here!
Ancient Egypt may have had its own version of the Exodus story. It begins with a plague.
- "Open Letter from 435 Canadian Academics Opposing the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism" - "Lettre ouverte de 435 universitaires canadien·ne·s sur la définition de l'antisémitisme selon l'IHRA" (Feb 27, 2020): click here!
Nous, membres de la collectivité universitaire canadienne et signataires de la présente pétition, déclarons que nous nous opposons à ce que les universités et autres organismes publics du Canada adoptent la définition de travail de l'antisémitisme formulée par l'Alliance internationale pour la mémoire de l'Holocauste (IHRA).
- Jonathan COOK, "The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears" (CounterPunch, Feb 5, 2020): click here!
Senior BBC news reporter Orla Guerin has found herself in hot water of an increasingly familiar kind. During a report on preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, she made a brief reference to Israel and an even briefer reference to the Palestinians. Her reporting coincided with Israel hosting world leaders last week at Yad Vashem, its Holocaust remembrance centre in Jerusalem.
- "Jewish Group Applauds Montreal City Council for Abandoning Controversial Definition of Antisemitism" (Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Jan 28, 2020): click here!
Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) applauds the Montreal City Council for abandoning a motion to adopt the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism today.
- Ramzy BAROUD, "Embracing Palestine: How to Combat Israels Misuse of 'Anti-Semitism'" (Middle East Monitor, Jan 1, 2020): click here!
At a talk I delivered in Northern England in March 2018, I proposed that the best response to falsified accusations of anti-Semitism, which are often lobbed against pro-Palestinian communities and intellectuals everywhere, is to draw even closer to the Palestinian narrative.
- Kenneth S. STERN, "Steering the Biden administration wrong on anti-Semitism " (The Times of Israel, Dec 10, 2020): click here!
Of all the crucial steps the new government must take to protect Jews, adopting the IHRA definition I drafted should not be the top priority.
- Ludo ABICHT, "Kritiek op Israël gelijkstellen met antisemitisme is niet alleen absurd, het is ook contraproductief" (Knack, 22 november, 2020): click here!
We moeten er blijven over waken dat het debat over antisemitisme niet wordt gemonopoliseerd door groepen die critici op Israël monddood willen maken en ongewild de strijd tegen antisemitisme verzwakken, schrijven Brigitte Hermans en Ludo Abicht.
- Ofer ADERET, "Renowned Jewish Historian: Stop Using the Term Antisemitism" (Haaretz, Sept 29, 2020): click here!
Professor David Engel insists events that occurred in different eras and different places arent necessarily connected.
- Amos GOLDBERG, "Dear Facebook: Please don't adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism" (Forward, Sept 13, 2020): click here!
A coordinated public pressure campaign is attempting to induce Facebook to adopt the controversial definition of antisemitism used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and to use it to police content published on its platform. On August 7, 128 organizations sent an open letter to Facebook's Board of Directors, calling on them "to fully adopt the IHRA working definition of antisemitism" and to implement a hate speech policy on antisemitism with that definition "at its core."... Together with 55 other scholars specialized in antisemitism, Jewish and Holocaust history and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I have just sent my own letter to Facebook's Board of Directors warning them against adoption and application of the IHRA definition.
- Joint letter of 56 scholars to Facebook: "Don't adopt the 'IHRA definition of antisemitism'" (7 Sept, 2020, pdf, 5p.): click here!
"Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, dear Ms. Sandberg, dear Board of Directors, We, scholars specialized in antisemitism, Jewish and Holocaust history and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are writing to you with regard to Facebooks policy and efforts to ban antisemitic content from your platform, as part of your companys wider struggle against hate speech and bigotry...". With the full list of signatories.
- Philip WEISS, "Segregation liberal Zionists wield ugly ideas to combat Beinart" (Mondoweiss, Aug 10, 2020): click here!
One revealing element of the response is, When push comes to shove, liberal Zionists and conservative Zionists make similar arguments. They all talk about the need for separation of Palestinians and Jews.
- Timo SCHMITZ, "Why is anti-Semitism in Germany on the rise?" (Forward, July 29, 2020): click here!
"Just last week, on July 21, 2020, 69 prominent Germans received threats via fax, e-mail and text signed NSU 2.0. NSU is the German acronym for National Socialist Underground, a right-wing terror group that murdered at least ten people between 2000 and 2007 out of racist motives."
- Allison KAPLAN SOMMER, "Anti-antisemitism? A Battle Rages Over the Jewish Hyphen" (Haaretz, May 21, 2020): click here!
Acclaimed historian Prof. Deborah Lipstadt is leading a fight to lose the hyphen from anti-Semitism, saying its presence completely distorts the meaning of the word.
- Ofri ILANY, "The Ancient Origin of anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Blaming Jews for Plagues" (Haaretz, April 17, 2020): click here!
Ancient Egypt may have had its own version of the Exodus story. It begins with a plague.
- "Open Letter from 435 Canadian Academics Opposing the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism" - "Lettre ouverte de 435 universitaires canadien·ne·s sur la définition de l'antisémitisme selon l'IHRA" (Feb 27, 2020): click here!
Nous, membres de la collectivité universitaire canadienne et signataires de la présente pétition, déclarons que nous nous opposons à ce que les universités et autres organismes publics du Canada adoptent la définition de travail de l'antisémitisme formulée par l'Alliance internationale pour la mémoire de l'Holocauste (IHRA).
- Jonathan COOK, "The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears" (CounterPunch, Feb 5, 2020): click here!
Senior BBC news reporter Orla Guerin has found herself in hot water of an increasingly familiar kind. During a report on preparations for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, she made a brief reference to Israel and an even briefer reference to the Palestinians. Her reporting coincided with Israel hosting world leaders last week at Yad Vashem, its Holocaust remembrance centre in Jerusalem.
- "Jewish Group Applauds Montreal City Council for Abandoning Controversial Definition of Antisemitism" (Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Jan 28, 2020): click here!
Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) applauds the Montreal City Council for abandoning a motion to adopt the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism today.
- Ramzy BAROUD, "Embracing Palestine: How to Combat Israels Misuse of 'Anti-Semitism'" (Middle East Monitor, Jan 1, 2020): click here!
At a talk I delivered in Northern England in March 2018, I proposed that the best response to falsified accusations of anti-Semitism, which are often lobbed against pro-Palestinian communities and intellectuals everywhere, is to draw even closer to the Palestinian narrative.
- Alex ZELDIN, "Trump Aside, Are Jews A Nationality?" (The Forward, Dec 12, 2019): click here!
On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the Trump administration was signing an executive order defining Judaism as a nationality. The article set off an internet firestorm, with many Jews openly worrying that this was not meant to protect Jews, but to distinguish us from the American people.
- Antony LERMAN, "The Tories are exploiting Jewish fears over antisemitism" (OpenDemocracy, Nov 9, 2019): click here!
The weaponisation of anti-semitism has become commonplace, for reasons that have very little to do with serious concern for the welfare of all Jews.
- "PHROC Concerns on Special Rapporteurs Adoption of IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism" (PHROC, 13 Oc 2019 ): click here!
- Alex ZELDIN, "Trump Aside, Are Jews A Nationality?" (The Forward, Dec 12, 2019): click here!
On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the Trump administration was signing an executive order defining Judaism as a nationality. The article set off an internet firestorm, with many Jews openly worrying that this was not meant to protect Jews, but to distinguish us from the American people.
- Antony LERMAN, "The Tories are exploiting Jewish fears over antisemitism" (OpenDemocracy, Nov 9, 2019): click here!
The weaponisation of anti-semitism has become commonplace, for reasons that have very little to do with serious concern for the welfare of all Jews.
- Dirk VOORHOOF, "De antisemitismeklacht tegen schrijver Dimitri Verhulst is misplaatst en grotesk" (vrtNWS, 6 aug 2019): click here!
Em.prof. Mediarecht Dirk Voorhoof (UGent) vindt de antisemitismeklacht tegen schrijver Dimitri Verhulst vanwege een recente column in De Morgen misplaatst en grotesk. Volgens hem is er geen sprake van aanzetten tot haat. Dat het Forum der Joodse Organisaties dreigt met een strafproces kan een verkillend effect hebben op het publieke debat en op het recht op kritiek op de Israëlisch-Palestijnse kwestie, zegt hij.
- ICAHD UK Recommendation to the Equality and Human Rights Commission enquiry into allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party" (ICAHD UK, June 10, 2019): click here!
- Amos GOLDBERG and Raz SEGAL, Distorting the definition of antisemitism to shield Israel from all criticism" (+972, Aug 5, 2019): click here!
The IHRA initially sought to combat racism against Jews and Holocaust denialism, but its definition of antisemitism serves as a tool to silence all criticism of Israel, making it harder to identify actual forms of anti-Jewish hatred.
- Sara ROY, On Equating BDS With Anti-Semitism: a Letter to the Members of the German Government" (CounterPunch, June 4, 2019): click here!
- Dirk VOORHOOF, "De antisemitismeklacht tegen schrijver Dimitri Verhulst is misplaatst en grotesk" (vrtNWS, 6 aug 2019): click here!
Em.prof. Mediarecht Dirk Voorhoof (UGent) vindt de antisemitismeklacht tegen schrijver Dimitri Verhulst vanwege een recente column in De Morgen misplaatst en grotesk. Volgens hem is er geen sprake van aanzetten tot haat. Dat het Forum der Joodse Organisaties dreigt met een strafproces kan een verkillend effect hebben op het publieke debat en op het recht op kritiek op de Israëlisch-Palestijnse kwestie, zegt hij.
- ICAHD UK Recommendation to the Equality and Human Rights Commission enquiry into allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party" (ICAHD UK, June 10, 2019): click here!
- Amos GOLDBERG and Raz SEGAL, Distorting the definition of antisemitism to shield Israel from all criticism" (+972, Aug 5, 2019): click here!
The IHRA initially sought to combat racism against Jews and Holocaust denialism, but its definition of antisemitism serves as a tool to silence all criticism of Israel, making it harder to identify actual forms of anti-Jewish hatred.
- Sara ROY, On Equating BDS With Anti-Semitism: a Letter to the Members of the German Government" (CounterPunch, June 4, 2019): click here!
- Peter GOTTSCHALK, Hate crimes associated with both Islamophobia and anti-Semitism have a long history in Americas past" (The Conversation, June 3, 2019): click here!
- Joseph MASSAD, "Pro-Zionism and antisemitism are inseparable, and always have been" (Middle East Eye, May 15, 2019): click here!
Pro-Zionism is the only respectable form of antisemitism today - one that is welcomed by the Israeli government and pro-Zionist white nationalists everywhere.
- Aufruf von Jüdischen und Israelischen Wissenschaftler an Deutsche Parteien: BDS nicht gleich antisemitisch: "EIN AUFRUF AN DIE DEUTSCHEN PARTEIEN, BDS NICHT MIT ANTISEMITISMUS GLEICHZUSETZEN"(Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb, Mai 2019): click here!
- Österreich: "Die Antisemitismus-Studie 2018 im Auftrag der Parlamentsdirektion - Die Studie" (15 March 2019): click here!
- Justine SACHS: "Oh you foolish little Zionists"" (The Pantograph Punch, Jan 21, 2019): click here!
Justine Sachs on the cruelty and inhumanity of Zionism, the movement supposed to solve the 'Jewish question'.
- Hafsa KARA-MUSTAPHA: Subverting free speech and free societies: Why it is past time to stand up to Zio-Fascism" (Redress Information and Analysis, Dec 23, 2018): click here!
While state-approved thinkers denounce the rise of the far right, they are deliberately looking the other way as a new fascism takes hold of Europe and the United States. Zio-Fascism is now such a potent force that it is obtaining the banning of books, concerts and debates across the board with barely a word of condemnation from politicians or notable mainstream journalists.
- Susan ABULHAWA, "Marc Lamont Hill's Detractors are the True Anti-Semites" (CounterPunch, Dec 17, 2018): click here!
The true anti-Semitism lies in conflating a 6000-year old faith with a contemporary settler-colonial nation-state that explicitly apportions human rights based on one's religion. Indeed, it is anti-Semitic, and patently false, to assume that all Jews are of one mind that reflexively takes offense at criticism of Israel.
- Michelle GOLDBERG, "Anti-Zionism Isn't the Same as Anti-Semitism" (NYT, Dec 7, 2018): click here!
American Jews have nothing to fear from the new congressional critics of Israel. On Monday, in an interview with The Intercept, Rashida Tlaib who became the first Palestinian-American elected to Congress, went public with her support for the BDS movement, which seeks to use economic pressure on Israel to secure Palestinian rights.
- "To Europe We Say: Dont conflate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism" (Jewish Voice for Labour, Nov 21, 2018): click here!
Open letter of (35) Israeli academics and artists warning against equating anti-Zionism with Antisemitism, and against giving Israel immunity for grave violations of human rights and international law."
- Richard FALK: "The New New Antisemitism" ((Global Justice in the 21st Century, Nov 18, 2018):): click here!
Hiding Israel's Crimes of State Behind False Claims of Victimization.
- Ivan KALMAR & Azeeza KANJI: Trump the 'White Power Crusader' Feeds Global Conspiracy Theories of a Jewish-Muslim Plot Against Christianity" (Haaretz, Nov 15, 2018): click here!
The Pittsburgh shooter bought into white supremacist claims of a 'Semitic plot against America,' reviving a medieval blood libel of Christ-killers, cannibals and invaders. This is how the Trump administration fuels that dangerous fantasy.
- Zuhair ANDRAUS: Israeli Racism Legalized and Running Rampant" (If Americans Knew, Aug 31, 2018): click here!
Israels new Nation State Law, just over 1 month old, has already increased the discrimination against Palestinians in Israel to absurd levels: theyre being prohibited from raising chickens, planting potatoes, gathering traditional herbs.
- Richard SILVERSTEIN: How the IHRA's anti-Semitism definition is a threat to British democracy" (Middle East Eye, Aug 30, 2018): click here!
The IHRA definition is yet another tool in the arsenal of Israels far-right government and the UK Israel lobby to destroy any possibility of developing an independent approach to Israel-Palestine.
- Eve MYKYTYN: Exposed! How Britains anti-Semitism scaremongers operate" (Redress Information & Analysis, July 5, 2018): click here!
This article about the British charitable organisation, the Campaign against Anti-Semitism (CAA), and its officers, Gideon Falter and Steve Silverman, examines events in England but ought to serve as a cautionary message for Canadians and Americans.
- Moshé MACHOVER: Anti-Zionism does not equal anti-Semitism" (Labour Party Marxists, Sept 21, 2017): click here!
The whole campaign of equating opposition to Zionism with anti-Semitism has, in fact, been carefully orchestrated with the help of the Israeli government and the far right in the US. It is easy to explain why.
- Jonathan OFIR: "Gideon Levy calls out Israels fundamental, racist religion: Zionism" (Mondoweiss, Sept 2, 2017): click here.
Gideon Levy published a column in Haaretz yesterday that goes to the furthest extent I have seen in Israeli mainstream media in challenging Zionism. He calls it a movement that contradicts human rights, and is thus indeed an ultranationalist, colonialist and perhaps even racist movement, as proponents of justice worldwide maintain.
- Rima NAJJAR: "The Zionist Exception" (CounterCurrents.org, Aug 31, 2017): click here.
Today, we hear a lot about White supremacy but very little about Jewish supremacy, as if the former stands for the latter. It is true there are more similarities than differences between Jewish supremacy and White supremacy. Both are based on ethnic/nationalist bias and racism.
- Rima NAJJAR: "The enemy of Palestinian Arabs is Jewish supremacy" (Medium, Aug 25, 2017): click here.
The question of the enemy in Palestine as it is emerging in discourse today is getting confusing. Historically, Palestine was colonized with the help of the British and support of the United States in service of an ideology created by White European Jews who were atheists.
- L.Daniel STAETSKY, Antisemitism in contemporary Great Britain. A study of attitudes towards Jews and Israel" (Institute for Jewish Policy Research, Sept 2017, pdf, 85 p.): click here!
- Nada ELIA: "Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism" (Middle East Eye, Aug 24, 2017): click here.
A Confederate flag appeared in an apartment window in Manhattans East Village in New York City last week, and the neighbours were outraged.
- Rima NAJJAR: "Anti-Semitism Is Not the Issue; Palestine Is" (The Palestine Chronicle, Aug 4, 2017): click here.
In making an appeal to Jews or anybody, Palestinians must certainly not frame their appeal the way Klug, a consultant to the Palestine Strategy Group and the Israel Strategic Forum, does. Rather, they must frame their appeal on the litmus test of principles of justice, human rights and equality i.e., principles that the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement embodies.
- Tony KLUG: "If Israel's occupation doesn't end, anti-Semitism worldwide will rise to sinister heights" (Haaretz, July 30, 2017): click here.
50 years of occupation have reawakened latent prejudices and old stereotypes not only against Jews, but also against Arabs and Muslims. But many still deny Israel's increasingly oppressive control is a crucial factor.
- [Hagai EL-AD]: "Israël saboteert bestrijding antisemitisme, stelt BTselem" (The Rights Forum, 3 juli 2017): click here.
Door critici van Israëls bezetting van Palestijns gebied voor antisemieten uit te maken, ondermijnt Israël welbewust de bestrijding van antisemitisme. Dat zei directeur Hagai El-Ad van de Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisatie BTselem tijdens een VN-forum in New York, waar de roep om maatregelen tegen Israël luid klonk.
- Philip WEISS: "Yakov Rabkins devastating critique of Zionism: it is opposed to Jewish tradition and liberalism" (Mondoweiss, June 27, 2017): click here.
Last year one of the most important books on Zionism, ever, was published in English by Pluto: What Is Modern Israel? by Yakov Rabkin, a professor of history at the University of Montreal. The central theme of the book is how Zionists have exploited Judaism and western traditions to offer Israel as a liberal democracy when it is actually a nationalist colonialists project hanging on by its paranoid fingernails.
- "Une insoutenable européanisation du chantage à lantisémitisme" (UJFP, 3 juin, 2017): click here.
Le Parlement européen a voté à une très large majorité, le jeudi 1er juin, une nouvelle résolution sur lantisémitisme. Il va sans dire que nous déplorons, une fois encore, la singularisation de lantisémitisme vis-à-vis des autres formes de racisme.
- Naomi WIMBORNE IDRISSI: "Far-right Islamophobes unite with pro-Israel lobbyists in European Parliament antisemitism debate" (Free Speech on Israel, June 1, 2017): click here.
This document, based on an earlier working definition abandoned by the now defunct EU monitoring centre on racism and xenophobia (EUMC), broadens the widely understood concept of antisemitism as hostility towards Jews, to include criticism of Israel.
- "Rejection of the IHRA definition of antisemitism by the British University and College Union (UCU)" (UCU, May 29, 2017): click here.
Congress re-affirms:UCU's condemnation of all forms of racial or religious hatred or discrimination; UCU's commitment to free speech and academic freedom; the importance of open campus debate on Israel/Palestine. Congress resolves that UCU dissociates itself from the IHRA definition.
- "Combating anti-semitism. European Parliament resolution of 1 June 2017 on combating anti-Semitism (2017/2692(RSP))": click here!
- Stephen SEDLEY: "Defining Anti-Semitism" (London Review of Books, vol. 39.9, May 4, 2017): click here.
Shorn of philosophical and political refinements, anti-Semitism is hostility towards Jews as Jews. Where it manifests itself in discriminatory acts or inflammatory speech it is generally illegal, lying beyond the bounds of freedom of speech and of action. By contrast, criticism (and equally defence) of Israel or of Zionism is not only generally lawful: it is affirmatively protected by law.
- Lawrence DAVIDSON: "Politicising anti-Semitism: the USAs and UKs flawed definition. The working definition" (Redress Information & Analysis, May 3, 2017): click here.
Back in the day, which in this case was 8 February 2007, the US State Departments Office to Monitor and Combat anti-Semitism adopted a working definition of anti-Semitism which included the following point: It is anti-Semitic to deny the Jewish people their right to self-determination (e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavour).
- Jonathan OFIR: "Why so many are twisting Ken Livingstones words about Hitler and Zionism" (Mondoweiss, April 6, 2017): click here.
Two days ago, former London Mayor Ken Livingstone was sentenced to another year of suspension after a hearing by the Labour Partys national constitutional committee (NCC) concerning his remarks on Hitlers temporary support for Zionism.
- Naomi WIMBORNE IDRISSI: "Legal opinion blasts holes in pro-Israel definition of antisemitism" (Free Speech on Israel, March 29, 2017, repr. from NYT by permission of the author): click here.
The launch on Monday of Hugh Tomlinson QCs devastating legal opinion on the so-called IHRA definition of antisemitism marks a watershed moment in resisting Israeli-backed attempts to gag pro-Palestinian advocacy.
- Hugh TOMLINSON QC: "In the matter of the adoption and potential application of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of anti-semitism" (March 8, 2017,pdf, 10p.): click here.
- "Combating Antisemitism" (European Commission, Justice and Consumers, March 24, 2017): click here.
Modern Antisemitism appears in many different forms and is not always easy to unmask. In May 2016 the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance adopted by unanimity a legally non-binding working definition of Antisemitism. The European Commission welcomes any useful tool for civil society, law enforcement authorities and education facilities to effectively recognise and fight all forms of Antisemitism.
- Joseph LEVINE: "On Questioning the Jewish State" (Free Speech on Israel, March 19, 2017repr. from NYT by permission of the author): click here.
I was raised in a religious Jewish environment, and though we were not strongly Zionist, I always took it to be self-evident that "Israel has a right to exist." Now anyone who has debated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will have encountered this phrase often....
- "Shortcomings of the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism" (Free Speech on Israel, 2017, pdf, 4p.): click here. Website: click here.
- "Free Speech on Israel Briefing: What antisemitism is, and what it is not" (Free Speech on Israel): click here.
- Gideon LEVY: "You've Got to Envy the Jews of the World" (Haaretz, March 16, 2017): click here.
Youve got to envy the Jews, the most privileged minority in the free world. The Arabs in Europe, the Muslims in America, the blacks and Native Americans, the Gypsies, the aborigines, Arab Israelis, and of course, the Palestinians in the territories all these groups can only dream of enjoying the kind of rights and standing enjoyed by the Jewish minority in the world.
- Rod SUCH: "How Zionist terrorism determined Palestines fate" (EI, March 15, 2017): click here.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel, Thomas Suárez, Olive Branch Press (2017).
- "Racism and Racial Discrimination are the Antithesis of Freedom, Justice & Equality" (Palestinian BDS National Committee, March 7, 2017): click here.
The global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for freedom, justice and equality of the Palestinian people is an inclusive, nonviolent human rights movement that rejects all forms of racism and racial discrimination.
- Amy KAPLAN: "History shows that anti-Semitism and pro-Zionism have never been mutually exclusive" (Mondoweiss, Feb 24, 2017): click here.
TIs it possible to be anti-Semitic and pro-Israel at the same time? Your answer depends on how you define the terms. As Toni Morrison wrote, definitions belong to the definers, not the defined. If you define anti-Semitism solely as criticism of Israel, the answer is dangerously simple.
- 7amleh Center publishes "The index of racism and incitement in the Israeli social media" 2016" (7amleh, Feb 7, 2017): click here.
[The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, Haifa] The research reveals that 60,000 Israeli internet users wrote at least one post containing either racism or hatred towards Arabs and Palestinians 7amleh identified 675,000 racist or provocative posts against Arabs on social networks, which were uploaded at the rate of one post every 46 seconds throughout 2016. The majority of these posts were on Facebook. The number of posts more than doubled in 2016, rising from 280,00 similar posts in 2015 to 675,000 in 2016.
- "[IHRA] Working Definition of Antisemitism" (IHRA, Jan 27, 2017): click here.
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) welcomes the decision of European Commission to include the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, adopted in May 2016, on the Commission's website. The IHRA is particularly glad to see this positive step, which it hopes to be followed by the adoption of the working definition of antisemitism by the EU itself.
- Gideon LEVY: "Kill Them, Theyre Fair Game" (Haaretz, Jan 19, 2017): click here.
To most Jewish Israelis, Arabs aren't human beings equal to us. This dehumanization makes the soldiers and police trigger-happy.
- Amitai BEN-ABBA: "Antisemitism and its useful idiots" (Mondoweiss, Jan 17, 2017): click here.
All over the world people who challenge Zionism are being accused of antisemitism. You might imagine the one group of dissidents who are safe from this kind of delegitimization is the Israeli Jewswe are not. This cruel irony, when exposed, may actually play a productive role in decoupling antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
- Tom SUAREZ: "Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won" (Mondoweiss, Jan 1, 2017): click here.
On December 14, Tom Suárez spoke at The House of Lords, London, at the invitation of Baroness Jenny Tonge. Drawing from his recently published book "State of Terror", he addressed the centennial of the Balfour Declaration and his views on the way toward ending todays Israel-Palestine conflict.
- Ayala AGRANAT, Michiel DeHAENE & Anya TOPOLSKI, : "'Waarom antisemitisme en antizionisme niet met elkaar verward mogen worden'" (Knack.be, 24 dec 2016): click here.
Het ernstig nemen van de kritiek op het Zionisme belangt niet alleen Israël aan', schrijven Ayala Agranat, Michiel Dehaene en Anya Topolski van Een Andere Joodse Stem. Ze stellen scherp op het onderscheid tussen antisemitisme en antizionisme.
- David ROSENBERG: "The UK governments new anti-semitism definition conflates racism with valid criticism of Israel " (OpenDemocracy, Dec 23, 2016): click here.
We risk repeating what the Israeli journalist Boaz Evron, three decades ago, recognised as not at all an understanding of the past but a manipulation of the present.
- Jonathan COOK: "Zionism exposed in pages of New York Times!" (J.C. Blog, Dec 21, 2016): click here.
There is nothing new in what Omri Boehm says. The philosophy professor at the New School in New York articulates a view that many of us on the left have subscribed to for many years. But it is simply astonishing to see it published in the most establishment paper in the country.
- Susan LANDAU: "Unsettle Zionism, champion humanity" (Mondoweiss, Dec 12, 2016): click here.
Marking this Brexit-Trump moment, racism and xenophobia threaten anti-Semitism writ large. Fear evokes reactions that exceed thoughtful strategic analysis. Unsurprisingly in the mix, Zionism is conflated with Judaism. That criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism follows.
- Benn WHITE: "By limiting criticism of Israel, Theresa May's new definition of anti-Semitism will do more harm than good" (Independent, Dec 7, 2016): click here.
When I participated in a debate at the University of Birmingham on Israel and Palestine a few years ago, organisers told us not to use the term apartheid, for fear of falling foul of a definition of anti-Semitism recently passed on campus the same definition now given a new lease of life by Theresa May.
- Peter BEINART: "American Jewish Establishment Stifles Free Speech to Silence Zionisms Critics" (Haaretz, Dec 7, 2016): click here.
According to the Senates new Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, Henrietta Szold, Hannah Arendt and Martin Buber could also be defined as Jew-haters.
- Heike SCHOTTEN: "Analysis: Israels sliding definition of anti-Semitism in the Trump era" (Ma'an, Nov 22, 2016): click here.
You would think that support for Israel is fundamentally at odds with anti-Semitism. If you thought that, however, you would be wrong. The past few days have witnessed a bizarre pile-up of prominent Israel-supporters going out of their way to defend or excuse what seem to be obviously anti-Semitic views voiced by Steve Bannon.
- Yakov HIRSCH: "The power of hasbara culture" (Mondoweiss, Nov 5, 2016): click here.
In my last article, I compared the opposition to the Palestinian-led Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) of two influential Jewish journalists, Jeffrey Goldberg and Peter Beinart. I demonstrated that as Zionists they both opposed the BDS movement but with significant differences.
- Sara HIRSCHHORN: "Liberal Zionists, We Lost the Kids" (Haaretz, Oct 31, 2016): click here.
Diaspora Jewish teens' radical dissociation from Israel is not about the settlements or the occupation. They're ashamed to be associated with Zionism.
- Ben WHITE: "Moves to silence critics of Israel have made the debate about Zionism unstoppable" (Middle East Eye, Oct 30, 2016): click here.
By now, it is clear that the UK Labour Partys so-called crisis of anti-Semitism is being used to delegitimise anti-Zionism by groups and individuals who see the two as one and the same thing. It is that conflation I want to address, and specifically, how it is only possible through the dehumanisation and disappearance of the Palestinians.
- Lilian ROSENGARTEN: "The dark side of Jewish consciousness: manufactured anti-Semitism" (Mondoweiss, Oct 29, 2016): click here.
I dedicate this essay to Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) anti-Zionist, political activist, Auschwitz survivor and hero in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. His words continue to inform me and his actions comfort my sorrow.
- Nada ELIA: "It's Zionism, not the occupation, that's the real problem" (Mondoweiss, Oct 25, 2016): click here.
Earlier this month, at the 15th annual conference held near Washington DC, the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation announced that it was officially changing its name to US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.
- Stuart LITTLEWOOD: "UK anti-Semitism report tries to whitewash Zionism" (Redress Information & Analysis, Oct 18, 2016): click here.
The Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, the lower house of the British parliament, has just issued its report, Anti-Semitism in the UK, in response to concerns about an increase in prejudice and violence against Jewish communities.
- Avigail ABARBANEL: "Why I left the cult" (Mondoweiss, Oct 8, 2016): click here.
Dear Israel and Israeli Jews, Maybe its pointless writing to you, and I guess I am not expecting a response. I am writing because I feel a certain sense of duty.
- Jonathan OFIR: "Even liberal Zionists wanted to send Palestinians to the moon" (Mondoweiss, Sept 4, 2016): click here.
The problem with this occupation is not, primarily, the presence of soldiers and military governance (although that in itself is a problem) the problem is the ideology that informs it. That is Zionism. This ideology seeks maximum land with minimum Palestinians. The hunger and craving for territory most often gets precedence over humanitarian concern for non-Jews.
- Jonathan ROSENHEAD: "Is Zionist a rude word?" (Open Democracy, Sept 3, 2016): click here.
How are we to understand the amazing increase in rhetoric about antisemitism, quite divorced from any actually discernible increase in antisemitism itself?
- Luc DELVAL: "Du rififi dans lestablishment de la communauté juive de Belgique " (Pour la Palestine, sept 3, 2016): click here.
Nous nous sommes trouvés déjà, dans un passé récent, dans lobligation de dire le peu de considération que nous inspire la manière dagir de lactuel Président du Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique (CCOJB), à loccasion de lappel particulièrement haineux, antidémocratique, diffamatoire et mensonger, quil sétait cru autorisé à lancer en faveur de la criminalisation du mouvement BDS en Belgique, en avril dernier.
- Bradley BURSTON: "Racism-as-Zionism. Don't Call It 'pro-Israel.' Call It What It Is: Disgusting" (Haaretz, Aug 30, 2016): click here.
It's time to stop pretending that racism can ever be good for the Jews. Not in practice, and not in propaganda.
- Avigail ABARBANEL: "The Palestine-Israel language trap" (Mondoweiss, Aug 19, 2016): click here.
Last Saturday I attended a one-day conference on Israeli Settler-colonialism in Palestine organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign (SPSC) in Edinburgh. It was a moving and gripping day. All the speakers at the conference acknowledged, each in his own way, that speaking about settler-colonialism in Palestine-Israel clarifies and simplifies the narrative about what is really going on there.
- Hasia DINER & Marjorie N. FELD: "Were American Jewish Historians. This Is Why Weve Left Zionism Behind" (Haaretz, Aug 1, 2016): click here.
Our connections to Israel flourished, faltered and finally ended even though we grew up, live and work in the heart of the American Jewish community.
- Mary DAVIS: "Contestation between anti-Zionism and antisemitism" (Open Democracy, July 27, 2016): click here.
Only when we refute the monolithic interpretation of Zionist theory and practice can we approach an understanding of the contested relationship between anti-zionism and antisemitism.
- [Press Release: IHRA working definition of antisemitism] (IHRA May 2016, pdf, 2p.): click here.
- "32 organisations belges réagissent aux propos mensongers de Serge Rozen (CCOJB)" (Charleroi pour la Palestine, 20 mai 2016): click here!.
Lors de son discours du 12 avril dernier, en présence du Premier Ministre et dautres membres du gouvernement, Serge Rozen a fait référence à lantisémitisme croissant pour évoquer de manière stigmatisante le mouvement du BDS (Boycot Désinvestissement Sanctions à légard dIsraël). Monsieur Rozen qui préside actuellement le Comité de Coordination des Organisations Juives de Belgique (CCOJB) a qualifié BDS de « bras armé » de lantisémitisme «présentable », cest-à-dire de lantisionisme. « Certains pays », à son avis, « ayant déjà adopté des mesures législatives pour interdire le BDS », il a émis le souhait que « la Belgique fasse de même. »
- Lawrence DAVIDSON: "Zionism goes from bad to worse, taking Judaism with it" (Redress Information & Analysis, July 24, 2016): click here.
Zionisms range of influence is shrinking. One can see this progression worldwide. At a popular level the Israelis have lost control of the historical storyline of Israel-Palestine.
- Jonathan ROSENHEAD: "How antisemitic are you?" (AURDIP, July 12, 2016): click here.
OK, the title is mostly to get you reading. This article is really about how to read the Chakrabarti Report into antisemitism in the Labour Party (and we will get there shortly). But the title does correspond to a potential issue.
- Max BLUMENTHAL: "It Is Important to Have Perspective on Elie Wiesel's Legacy" (Alternet, July 5, 2016): click here.
The news of Elie Wiesels death in the early morning of July 2 ushered in veneration and reflections from figures across the political spectrum, from Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to Benjamin Netanyahu and George W. Bush. The outpouring of high-level praise aimed at consolidating Wiesel as the eternal voice of the Holocaust and the central preceptor of its lessons. Those who criticized his legacy or pointed out his moral contradictions, meanwhile, were ferociously attacked by the forces he helped inspire.
- Richard FALK: "The Zionism debate as a shield for Israeli policy" (Middle East Eye, June 5, 2016): click here.
To be clear, it is not Zionism that should be evaluated as racist, but Israel as a state subject to international law, including the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1966) and the International Convention on the Crime of Apartheid (1973).
- "IHRA Working-definition of anti-Semitism" (Bucharest, May 26, 2016): click here.
- Ilan PAPPE: "Now is not the time to surrender to Israel's bullying on 'anti-Semitism'" (Middle East Eye, May 5, 2016): click here.
There comes a time in a movement's struggle when success is both a rewarding moment but also a very dangerous one. The apartheid regime in South Africa pursued its most vicious and lethal policies shortly before the fall of the regime.
- Philip WEISS & Adam HOROWITZ: "Saying Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state is not anti-Semitic" (Mondoweiss, May 3, 2016): click here.
In practice, the Jewish State in Israel/Palestine has meant an ethnocracy where Jews are given special and exclusive rights over other citizens and non-citizens under the sovereignty of the Israeli government. This is a system that we reject for political, personal and moral reasons that are in no way connected to vilifying or discriminating against Jews, the traditional definition of anti-Semitism.
- Jonathan COOK: "The true anti-semites, past and present" (Jonathan Cook, May 3, 2016): click here.
We are desperately in need of some sanity as the British political and media establishment seek to generate yet another new anti-semitism crisis, on this occasion to undermine a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party before the upcoming local elections.
- Willem-Gert ALDERSHOFF: "De tragische uitholling van de term 'anti-semitisme'" (Joop, 9 mei, 2016): click here.
Onlangs brak er in Groot-Brittannië een discussie over anti-semitisme los. Aanleiding was de uitspraak van de voormalige Londense burgemeester Ken Livingstone dat Hitler het Zionisme had gesteund.
- Ray FILAR: ""Why I am anti-zionist Jew" (OpenDemocracy, 29 April, 2016): click here.
The Israeli government deliberately invokes terrorist attacks, rockets, and scary brown men in headscarfs to stoke the population's fear, but I am scared of the racism Zionists use to justify the occupation. Originally published August 2014.
- Ben WHITE: ""What Zionism has meant for Palestinians" (MEMo, 29 April, 2016): click here.
"If there are other inhabitants there, they must be transferred to some other place. We must take over the land. We have a greater and nobler ideal than preserving several hundred thousands of Arab fellahin." Menahem Ussishkin, chair of Jewish National Fund, 1930.
- Serge ROZEN: "Discours de Serge Rozen au Diner de Gala du CCOJB 12 04 2016" (Facebook): click here.
Lantisionisme nest pas la critique de la politique de lun ou lautre gouvernement de lEtat dIsraël. Cest lopposition clairement exprimée à laspiration dun foyer national juif, cest le refus de lexistence même de lEtat dIsraël.
- Ben WHITE: "We need to talk about Israels right to exist" (Middle East Eye, 6 April, 2015): click here.
The cancellation of a conference by the University of Southampton highlights questions that Israels apologists are desperate to keep off limits.
- Brian KLUG: "What Do We Mean When We Say 'Antisemitism'? Echoes of Shattering Glass" Proceedings International conference Antisemitism in Europe Today: the Phenomena, the Conflicts, 8-9 November 2014 (pdf, 16p.): click here.
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Current Affairs
- * Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israel kills six Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza" (EI, 20 Sept, 2023).
- Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli forces kill two in Aqbat Jabr camp" (EI, 15 August, 2023).
- DCI-P: "Israeli forces kill, withhold body of 15-year-old Palestinian boy" (DCI-P, August 2, 2023).
- "Israeli Forces Kill Two Palestinian Teenagers" (teleSUR, 21 July 2023).
- DCI-P: "Israeli forces blind 3 Palestinian children with live ammunition, stun grenade" (DCI-P, 20 July, 2023).
- Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israel seeks revenge with Jenin invasion" (EI, 3 July, 2023).
Amira HASS: "Adam, Fuad, Abdullah, Omar: The 28 Palestinian Kids Killed by Israeli Forces This Year" (Haaretz, 12 June 2023). Tamara NASSAR: "Israel kills municipal worker, resistance fighters in Balata refugee camp" (EI, 22 May 2023). "Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child, Injure Two Young Men, In Refugee Camp In Jericho" (IMEMC, April 10, 2023). Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli death squad kills four in Jenin" (EI, 16 March, 2023). "Teen among four Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in West Bank raids" (Middle East Eye, 9 March, 2023)."2023 Huwara rampage" (Wikipedia, 3 March, 2023). Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israel kills 11 in daytime raid on Nablus" (The Electronic Intifada, 22 Feb 2023).Tamara NASSAR: "Israel kills another child in the West Bank" (The Electronic Intifada, 9 Feb 2023). "Un assassinat par jour : cest ça le colonialisme israélien que nous devons combattre !" (CAPJPO-Europalestine, 17 janvier, 2023).Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli death squad kills four in Jenin" (EI, 16 March, 2023). "Teen among four Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in West Bank raids" (Middle East Eye, 9 March, 2023)."2023 Huwara rampage" (Wikipedia, 3 March, 2023). Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israel kills 11 in daytime raid on Nablus" (The Electronic Intifada, 22 Feb 2023).Tamara NASSAR: "Israel kills another child in the West Bank" (The Electronic Intifada, 9 Feb 2023). "Un assassinat par jour : cest ça le colonialisme israélien que nous devons combattre !" (CAPJPO-Europalestine, 17 janvier, 2023). Tamara NASSAR: "Israel kills three children as 2023 dawns" (The Electronic Intifada, 5 January, 2023). Mariam BARGHOUTI: "Invading Israeli forces assassinate 5 more Palestinians in two days, including 16-yr-old" (Israel-Palestine News, Dec 8, 2022). "Israel soldier executes Palestinian youth in cold blood " (MEMo, Dec 2, 2022). Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "A Palestinian Boy Went Out With Friends. An Israeli Soldier Shot Him in the Head" (Haaretz, Oct 15, 2022). Yumna PATEL & Mariam BARGHOUTI: "Israeli forces kill four Palestinians in occupied West Bank, including two brothers" (Mondoweiss, Nov 29, 2022). Motasem A DALLOUL: "Who's going to stop the madness of extremist ministers of next Israeli government? " (Haaretz, Nov 11, 2022). Jack KHOURY & Hagar SHEZAF: "14-year-old Among Two Palestinian Teens Killed Within Hours of Each Other by IDF Fire in West Bank" (Haaretz, Nov 11, 2022). Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "This Palestinian Teen Was Shot Twice, Cuffed and Detained by Israeli Troops Then Released" (Haaretz, Sept 2, 2022). "Invading Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian photographing them, Injure 17 in Jenin" (Israel-Palestine News, Sept 6, 2022). Defense for Children International-Palestine: "Israeli settler, soldier shoot and kill Palestinian boy" (DCIP, August 1, 2022). Tamara NASSAR: "Israeli forces kill fleeing Palestinian child" (EI, 6 July, 2022). Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israel executes three Palestinians in Jenin" (The Electronic Intifada, June 18, 2022). "Thirteen Palestinian children killed in the West Bank since January 2022" (UNICEF, May 29, 2022). "Israeli forces use Palestinian girl as a human shield in Jenin" (Defense for Children International-Palestine, May 19, 2022). Shatha HAMMAD: "Israeli forces fatally shoot two young Palestinians in occupied West Bank" (Middle East Eye, April 13, 2022). "Israel kills Palestinian boy in Jenin raid" (MEMo, March 31, 2022).Staat van Beleg: " Israëlische Schendingen februari 2022 " (7 maart 2022). Jesse Rosenfeld, Oren Ziv & Ahmad Al-Bazz : "Triple West Bank assassination recalls darkest days of the Intifada" (+972, Feb 15, 2022).Jack Khoury & Yaniv Kubovich: "Man Killed by Israeli Fire Near Ramallah, Palestinian Health Ministry Says" (Haaretz, Feb 15, 2022). "Israel Issues 1595 Administrative Detention Orders Against Palestinians In 2021" PalestineOnline, Jan 2, 2022)."Israel a tué 357 Palestiniens, dont 79 enfants et 69 femmes en 2021 " EuroPalestine, 2 janvier 2022).Gideon LEVY: "A Brief History of Killing Children " (Haaretz, Nov 20, 2021). Allison WEIR: "Israeli forces have killed 39 Palestinian men, women, & children since May" (Israel-Palestine News, Oct 19, 2021). "Israel settlers open fire on Palestine homes in West Bank" (Middle East Monitor, September 11, 2021). Gideon LEVY: "Yes, the Palestinian Prison Escapees Are Freedom Fighters (Haaretz, Sept 9, 2021; archive.today). "Developing news: Six Palestinian political prisoners liberate themselves from colonial Israeli prison (Samidoun, Sept 5, 2021). "Israeli troops kill Palestinian teen in West Bank clash (Middle East Eye, July 24, 2021). Tamara NASSAR: "Israeli gunfire takes lives of two more Palestinian teens (+972, July 15, 2021). Yuval ABRAHAM: "Joint militias: How settlers and soldiers teamed up to kill four Palestinians (+972, July 15, 2021)."Palestinian boy loses eye after Israel soldiers shoot him (Middle East Monitor, April 12, 2021).Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "Palestinians Protested the Theft of Their Land. An Israeli Army Officer Shot One of Them in the Head (Haaretz, March 26, 2021). "Israel to displace 1,550 Palestinians to build park in Jerusalem (MEMo, March 18, 2021)."Reconstitution de lexécution dun Palestinien qui ne constituait aucune menace (EuroPalestine, 27 février, 2021).Mairav ZONSZEIN: "Vaccination Under Occupation (Jewish Currents, 12 Jan, 2021).Orly NOY: "Why BTselem is calling Israel an apartheid regime, from the river to the sea (Mondoweiss, 12 Jan, 2021)."Deaf Palestinian man shot by Israeli soldiers dies of his wounds (Israel Palestine News, Dec 11, 2020)."New Israeli ambassador in Britain describes Nakba as 'Arab lie' (Middle East Monitor, Dec 8, 2020)."Israeli settlers flood Palestinian farmland with sewage (Middle East Monitor, Oct 19, 2020).Ahmad MELHEM: "Family of Palestinian boy disfigured in 2015 firebomb attack still seeking justice (Al-Monitor, Sept 20, 2020).Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Palestinian child shot by Israel dies in detention. (The Electronic Intifada, August 21, 2020).Yumna PATEL: "Young Palestinian woman killed by Israeli forces in Jenin. 23-year-old Dalia Samoudi is the 24th Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces in the occupied Palestinian territories this year (Mondoweiss, August 7, 2020)."Israeli Soldiers Demolish Under-Construction Covid-19 Testing Center in Hebron (IMEMC, July 21 2020). "Mother of Slain Palestinian: My Son Was A Child In A Mans Body" (IMEMC, June 31 2020).Sondos SALEH: "Mustafa Went to Tel Aviv for Hospital Tests. He Was Shot Dead" (Haaretz, May 19, 2020).Jonathan OFIR: "Slapping Israeli Apartheid the sentencing of Yifat Doron" (Mondoweiss, May 15, 2020)."Israëlische politieman schiet Palestijnse jongen kogel in het gezicht" (The Rights Forum, 18 feb, 2020).Jonathan OFIR: "Getting away with murder: Why Israeli police left Bedouin teacher to bleed to death in 2017." Some murder cases are so full of lies, that every attempt to hide them from public view only brings more attention to the crime. Such is the case of the extrajudicial execution three years ago of Israeli Bedouin citizen Yaqub Mousa Abu al-Qiaan. (Mondoweiss, March 1, 2020).Amira HASS: "The Trump Plans Vision for the Palestinians: Israels Security Slave." Direct lines can be seen between the deal of the century, the Oslo Accords and their fraudulent implementation, which led to the creation of separate Palestinian enclaves. (Haaretz, Jan 31, 2020)."BTselem: Israel soldiers wantonly shoot Palestinian children" (Palestine Post24, Dec 18, 2019)."Lost count? Israel killed 43 Palestinians in November" (If Americans Knew, Dec 5, 2019).Jonathan COOK: "Israel prepares to turn Bedouin citizens into refugees in their own country" (Mondoweiss, Oct 16, 2019).A. Daniel ROTH: "Each morning brings the fear of losing everything" (+972, Aug 25, 2019).Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "The Protest Dispersed. Then an Israeli Sniper Shot a 9-year-old Boy in the Head" (Haaretz, July 20, 2019, via IAK).Entsar ABU JAHAL: "Plenty of fish in Gaza sea, but not for Palestinians" (Al-Monitor, June 14, 2019).Myriam DEPREZ: "Susiya: The build-and-destroy dance of Israels demolitions" (Middle East Monitor, May 10, 2019).OCHA (oPt), Child labour increasing in Gaza" (OCHA - Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin, April 2019, May 14, 2019).Netta AHITUV, "Endless trip to hell': Israel jails hundreds of Palestinian boys a year. These are their testimonies" (Breaking the Silence via Haaretz, March 16, 2019).Tamara NASSAR: "Israels war on its Palestinian citizens" (The Internet Intifada, 26 Feb, 2019).Gideon LEVY: "In Land of Illegal Outposts and Hate Crimes, Another Palestinian Life Claimed" (Haaretz, Jan 27, 2019)."Report: Crimes against Humanity: Israel killed at least 45 Palestinian children in Gaza" (Ma'an News Agency, Jan 19, 2019).Yumna PATEL: "Waging War on Shufat: Jerusalem municipality demolishes 21 businesses in East Jerusalem refugee camp" (Mondoweiss, Nov 22, 2018). Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Israeli soldier executed Gaza teen at close range: witness" (The Electronic Intifada, Oct 13, 2018)."September 2018 report: 378 Palestinians arrested as Khader Adnan, Omran al-Khatib continue hunger strikes" (Samidoun, Oct 11, 2018)."Palestinians Protest Planned Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar" (Telesur, July 28, 2018).Yumna PATEL: "Israeli forces kill 15-year-old Palestinian in refugee camp raid" (Mondoweiss, July 23, 2018).Amira HASS: "Night raids and attack dogs: For West Bank Palestinians, their homes are not their castles" (Haaretz, June 17, 2018).Neve GORDON: "Gaza's Passover massacre" (Al-Jazeera, April 1, 2018)"Israel killed 3 Palestinian civilians, injured 500, in first half of March" (Middle East Monitor, March 16)Omar KARMI: Gaza in a vice (The Electronic Intifada, Feb 13, 2018).Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: Like a Safari: Israeli Troops in Jeeps Hunt a Palestinian Teen and Shoot Him in the Head (Haaretz, Feb 9, 2018, now freely available via: If Americans Knew).Amira HASS: "On the Margins of the Murder, (Haaretz, Nov 12, 2017): click here! "Israeli forces detain 11 Palestinians, including 4 minors, in overnight raids" (Ma'an, March 29, 2017).Amira HASS: "Israeli Settlers Kill a Sheep in Latest Escalation in Jordan Valley, Palestinians Say" (Haaretz, Feb 18, 2017)."Israel aims to Judaize historical Bethlehem village" (Middle East Monitor, Jan 13, 2017).Nasouh NAZZAL: "Israels pesticide war on Gazan farmers" (Gulf News Palestine, Dec 26, 2016).Emily MULDER: "Israeli guard: 'Go from this land or I will kill you'" (Al Jazeera, Dec 26, 2016)."A six-year-old Palestinian girl killed after being run over by Israeli settler" (Middle East Children Alliance, 2016).Gideon LEVY & Alex LEVAC: "In Some of the Israeli Army's Raids, Leaving Empty-handed Is Not an Option" (Haaretz, Aug 27, 2016)."Israeli settlers attack Palestinian girl in Ramallah, stab and kill her sheep" (Ma'an, Aug 5, 2016)."Un enfant palestinien [de 12 ans] tué par des soldats israéliens" (Libération, 19 juillet 2016).Kit O'CONNELL: "Israel Cutting Palestinians Off From Their Own Water Supply" (MintPress News, June 30, 2016)."Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child Near Ramallah" (IMEMC, June 21, 2016).Edo KONRAD: "Tel Aviv mayor says the occupation is a cause of Palestinian terror" (+972, June 9, 2016)."After being shot three days ago by IOF, Palestinian youth dies from injuries" (Palestinian Information Center, June 6, 2016).Palestine PMO: Israels destruction of Palestinian water infrastructure is atrocious (Palestine News Network, May 26, 2016).Again, settlers burn Palestinian farms in West Bank (Days of Palestine, May 16, 2016).Michal ZAK: "Third intifada, terror wave, the 'situation': Just don't mention the 'O' word to Israelis" (Middle East Eye, March 13, 2016).Jon QUEALLY: "Brother and Sister, Children Aged 10 and 6, Killed by Israeli Bombing in Gaza" (Common Dreams, March 13, 2016).Jonathan COOK: "Aid subversion report makes for shocking reading" (The National, March 7, 2016)."Palestijns meisje van 13 geëxecuteerd" (alexandrina.nl, 23 jan, 2016)."UN decries Abu Nuwar demolitions, calls for immediate end to planned transfers" (Medical Aid for Palestinians, MAP, Jan 20, 2016).Julie PUTSEYS: "Palestijnse empowerment op Israëlische scholen." Geen gelijke kansen zonder evenwaardig onderwijs. Zo denkt de Arabisch-Israëlische professor Dalia Fadila er alleszins over. (MO*, 10 Jan 2016).Uri SAVIR: "Why solving Israel-Palestine conflict is still key for regional stability" (Al-Monitor, Jan 3, 2016).C.J.WERLEMAN: "The road to hell is paved with 'national security'". Israel is turning the Wests fixation on the Islamic State group into an opportunity to expand its apartheid laws and militarisation of the West Bank (Middle East Eye, Jan 1, 2016).Mazal MUALEM: "'Hate wedding' video offers glimpse at Jewish terror" (Al-Monitor, Dec 28, 2015).Maureen Clare MURPHY: "Catastrophe for Syrians and Palestinians alike in war-ravaged country" (The Electronic Intifada, Dec 23, 2015).Shlomi ELDAR: "Why the US is part of Middle East problem, not the solution". Interview with Ayman Odeh (Al-Monitor, Dec 14, 2015).Philip WEISS: "Obamas ISIS czar says we cant defeat extremism without resolving Palestinian issue" (Mondoweiss, Dec 14, 2015).Uri SAVIR: "How the Islamic State hurts Palestinian cause" (Al-Monitor, Dec 6, 2015).Al Jazeera: "Gaza's crumbling healthcare system" (Yahoo.com, Dec 8, 2015).Nurit CANETTI: "The radicalization of Israel" (Al-Monitor, Dec 2, 2015).Kate: "Prominent Israeli settler runs over 16-year-old girl, then shoots her dead" (Mondoweiss, Nov 23, 2015).Gideon LEVY: "So These Are Israel's New Heroes?" Israel's recent military operations in Palestinian hospitals are a blatant violation of the Geneva Convention, and make you wonder how low the country can sink (Haaretz, Nov 21, 2015).Philip WEISS: "The best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism" (Mondoweiss, Nov 15, 2015).Ahmed MOOR: "The Problem of Palestine is Zionism" (Fair Observer, Nov 11, 2015).Miko PELED: "Zionism is racism: Notes from Tel-Rumeida, Hebron, El-Khalil" (American Herald Tribune, Nov 13, 2015).Megan HANNA: "It Has Become A Prison: The ghettoization of Hebron" (Mondoweiss, Nov 11, 2015).Avigail ABARBANEL: "Netanyahus craziness is calculated, to drive out Palestinians" (Mondoweiss, Nov 5, 2015).Michel WARSCHAWSKI: "La jeunesse palestinienne à couteaux tirés avec Israël" (Orient XXI, 15 Oct 2015).Kamel HAWWASH: "Palestinians have a problem with occupiers not (with) Jews" (MEMO, Oct 30, 2015)."Palestijnse baby vermoord met traangas" (Alexandrina, Oct 31, 2015).Ali ABUNIMAH: "Israels executions of Palestinian teens must end, Amnesty says" (The Electronic Intifada, Oct 28, 2015).Killian REDDEN: "Hebron at eye of the storm as death toll rises" (Ma'an News Agency, Oct 26, 2015)."Netanyahu Shamelessly Exploits the Shoah to Stoke Fear of Palestinians" (Jewish Voice for Peace, Oct 21, 2015).Amos GVIRTZ: "From Unilateral- to Bilateral War - or: How the Palestinians Fight to Prevent Being Expelled From the Country" (Occupation Magazine, Oct 20, 2015).Noam SHEIZAF: "Jerusalem, in context" (+972, October 19, 2015). "The current events in Jerusalem have a political history and context. Attempts to attribute the violence to some kind of Palestinian pathology while ignoring other factors is a recipe for making things worse."Meron RAPOPORT: "The paradox of Jerusalem" (Middle East Eye, October 17, 2015).