Belgian Academics & Artists For Palestine


BA4P: “Israeli Arabs”.

(1) Resources (oldest first):
(2) Articles: below (latest first)

  • Ilan PAPPÉ: « The Forgotten Palestinians. A History of the Palestinians in Israel. » Yale UP 2011, 336p.
    In this groundbreaking book, acclaimed historian Ilan Pappé tells the fascinating story of the Palestinians of Israel, whose experiences have been neglected amid the endless coverage of Israel's Jewish citizens and the dispossessed Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
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    Articles (latest first):
    • Hanin MAJADLI: “‘Where Are Israel's Arabs Supposed to Go?’” (Haaretz, Aug 10, 2023): click here!
      For two weeks now, I haven’t managed to relate to the difficult and even deadly events in our land. They are not unprecedented, but there is a sense that the violence is escalating. The tyranny and injustice were always there, but there were checks and balances, albeit limited, such as the High Court of Justice and international public opinion.
    • Baker ZOUBI: “‘The government’s goal is to leave Palestinians in Israel without leadership’” (Haaretz, Aug 10, 2023): click here!
      Despite criticisms of the body, Palestinian citizens view efforts to outlaw the High Follow-Up Committee as a dangerous attack on their political rights.
    • Linda DAYAN: “Quiet Arab ‘March of the Dead’ Delivers Loud Message to Israeli Society” (Haaretz, Aug 7, 2023): click here!
      Thousands of Arab and Jewish protesters came together on Sunday night in Tel Aviv to call on the government to combat the spiraling violence that has claimed 141 lives so far this year in the Arab community. ‘We’re citizens of Israel, we shouldn’t be so afraid to go out,’ says one demonstrator.
    • Deiaa Haj YAHIA: “Israel is ignoring crime in Palestinian communities ” (The Electronic Intifada, 27 July, 2023): click here!
      With over 130 murders this year alone, violent crime within Israel’s Palestinian community is reaching new levels and grabbing headlines. But while the murder rate is unprecedented, the crime spree has been a long time in the making.
    • Elisheva GOLDBERG: “We Are in a Daily Battle for Survival” (Jewish Currents, July 11, 2023): click here!
      Abandoned by the Israeli government, the country’s Palestinian citizens live at the mercy of organized crime.
    • Shira KADARIA-OVADIA: « Number of Arab Israeli Women With Academic Degree Doubled Within Decade, New Report Shows » (Haaretz, July 6, 2023): click here!
      The number of Arab Israeli women between 30 and 34 years old with a bachelor's degree or higher now stands at 25 percent. And it's not just young women either.
    • Yoav HAIFAWI: "Protesters in Haifa say violence epidemic in Palestinian communities the result of racist Israeli policy" (Mondoweiss, July 2, 2023): click here!
      On June 24, Palestinian leaders inside Israel held a national protest to address the recent spike in violence in their communities. They say the rise in crime is the direct result of the Israeli government empowering violent criminals.
    • Amjad IRAQI: " Why Israeli police aren’t the solution to Palestinian crime" (+972, June 18, 2023): click here!
      ​The fixation on policing has funneled us into a debate that avoids the real roots of the crisis of gun violence among Palestinian citizens ofIsrael. More than any other issue, personal safety is now the number one concern of Palestinian citizens, with some feeling they can hardly walk down the street, visit family members, or send kids to school without worrying if they will make it back home unharmed.
    • Jonathan LIS: " 18 Ministers, Only One Arab Rep: Israeli Gov't Establishes New Panel for Arab Issues" (Haaretz, June 18, 2023): click here!
      Led by Prime Minister Netanyahu himself, the committee that will deal with the wave of violent crime in Arab society will also include far-right representatives such as Bezalel Smotrich, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Orit Strock.
    • Iris LEAL: " The Blood of Murdered Israeli Arabs Is on Netanyahu’s Hands" (Haaretz, June 11, 2023): click here!
      There was a momentary shock. Benzi Gopstein, the chair of the organization Lehava (“for the prevention of assimilation in the Holy Land”), a student of Meir Kahane, is advising National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on police and security matters.
    • Odeh BISHARAT: "Arabs in Israel Want to Live Without Fear of Death Too" (Haaretz, June 11, 2023): click here!
      “Massacre,” “Yafia.” These two words don’t belong together in my mind. Nevertheless, I worry that time will do its part. These words will yet come together in my brain and become a natural pairing, just as with every other massacre we have experienced. Reality is cruel, and so is language.
    • Sheren FALAH SAAB: "In Israel, Arab Lives Don't Matter" (Haaretz, June 9, 2023): click here!
      This government of poison and destruction has left no doubts about its intentions to abandon the Arabs to organized crime and violence, without a drop of sympathy or compassion. This is a government in which Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai once told National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir in a private conversation that “they murder each other, that’s the Arab mentality.”
    • Carolina LANDSMANN: "Israel's Arab Minority Is a Victim of the State" (Haaretz, June 8, 2023): click here!
      I got a push notification from an app. Something had happened. “Five people were shot to death in the town of Yafia near Nazareth ... Not long before, in Kafr Kana, a 3-year-old girl was seriously wounded by gunfire and a 30-year-old man was mortally wounded.”.
    • Deiaa HAJ YAHIA: "Man Shot in Northern Israel Marks 84th Homicide Victim in Arab Communities This Year" (Haaretz, May 31, 2023): click here!
      The deadly shooting followed a previous murder on Tuesday, when a 50-year-old man was shot dead in the northern city of Umm al-Fahm, and a 50-year-old woman was lightly wounded.
    • Noa SHPIGEL & Shira KADARI-OVADIA: "Knesset Advances Bills to Tighten Grip Over Arab Schools, Ease Restriction on Firing Arab Teachers" (Haaretz, May 31, 2023): click here!
      The bills, submitted by Likud lawmaker Amit Halevy, seek to set stricter criteria for obtaining a teaching license. If legislated, the bill would require the Education Ministry to conduct a security background check on every potential teacher.
    • Itay MASHIACH: "She's Leading a Revolution in Her Traditional Israeli Druze Community. And She's Not Alone" (Haaretz, May 19, 2023): click here!
      Samira Azzam defied tradition by starting a party that fielded the first-ever, all-woman slate of candidates for a local council in a Druze town. Her achievement, and that of other Druze and Arab local politicians, is the result of a grassroots movement.
    • Deiaa Haj YAHIA: "The Tragedy of Young Israeli Arabs on the Road to Nowhere" (Haaretz, May 14, 2023): click here!
      Without work, education or direction, nearly a third of Israeli Arab young adults find themselves without a purpose.
    • Jonathan SHAMIR: "Israeli Arabs Are Second-class Citizens, and It’s Costing Their Lives" (Haaretz, May 7, 2023): click here!
      Israel’s protest movement has avoided an explicit call for a truly inclusive democracy. Dayar Omari’s killing is proof it shouldn’t.
    • Sawsan ZAHER: "The Israeli right is planning to ban Palestinian parties. Here’s how" (+972, 2 April, 2023): click here!
      If the Netanyahu government secures a forever majority, it will bolster the argument that an apartheid regime reigns between the river and the sea.
    • Hanin MAJADLI: "Why Do They Identify as Palestinians?" (Haaretz, January 13, 2023): click here!
      Kan 11, the public broadcaster, launched a series of reports this week by Eran Singer and Roy Ettinger titled “Palestinians Blue-and-White.” The first item set out to examine “the growing extremism in Arab society in Israel” and asked, “What went wrong?”
    • Ran SHIMONI: "The Arab Israeli Experience: Constant Vigilance Against Prejudice" (Haaretz, May 31, 2022): click here!
      Facing rude stares on the train, showing your ID everywhere and staying indoors during times of violence. Arab Israelis tell Haaretz about how they cope with the country's worsening intercommunal relations.
    • Bar PELEG: "Elderly and Arabs Hardest Hit as New Report Shows Almost 2 Million Israelis Live Below Poverty Line" (Haaretz, January 12, 2023): click here!
      Israel remains one of the most impoverished states in the developed world, according to 2021 poverty report.
    • Haaretz Editorial: "Don't Want Your Kids Taught by an Arab? Yes, That's Racist" (Haaretz, August 26, 2021): click here!
    • Or KASHTI: "Separate School Systems for Jews and Arabs Are Policy in Israel, Not a ‘Problem " (Haaretz, May 23, 2021): click here!
      The Education Ministry’s systematic disregard of studies, surveys and state comptroller reports has buried hope for education for coexistence.
    • Haaretz Editorial: "Israel's Education System's Shameful Censorship" (Haaretz, Feb 16, 2021): click here!
      The fact that the attorney general’s office approved Education Minister Yoav Gallant’s move some months ago to intervene in the Bible studies curriculum and remove clips from the satirical program “The Jews are Coming” from the ministry’s website for Bible studies teachers, is additional evidence that Israel’s democracy is in crisis.
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